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Please stop Kps hunting

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The hunting of Kps of AW is a disaster, because it doesn't allow the involved FS to get their chests.
Only in my FS a player put in one AW's fellow 615 Kps and in the other one 362 Kps, getting the rewards instead of us and surely she does it elsewhere.
I checked her fellowship founding that she gave this week her own fellows about 3,000 Kps.
One thing is donated, another is stealing.
I sincerely do hope that INNO will take this into consideration and make adequate rules against who play in such manner, which IMHO is intollerable.


If someone put 615 KP in one AW and 362 KP in another then that´s not KP hunting- To be kp hunting one player gotta get much more KP than what he puts in someone AWs; For example: If someone put 15 in one of your fellow AW and take the main chest with a value of 60 kp in that AW, then that player hunted that AW; but if instead that player put 120 kp in that same AW to only get 60 kp of the main chest back,then that´s not a KP hunting.


You defenitely wont sign the form, because these players acts in couple and they basically left no chest.
They harvested the AW of a Fellowships, to distribute them to their own, like 50/60 even 100 Kps each.
If you are in Winyandor, let me know, I'll contact them for you.
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I don't know if this is the case here, but it can be a strategy to "hunt" for AW Runes in this manner. You look for folks that currently have the AW that you are wanting (or wish to upgrade past a rune circle level). Then you calculate the number of KP needed to guarantee a won chest with the desired rune(s). I personally do not consider this to be a bad thing. Both parties benefit.

"Chest snipping" has been debated on many threads throughout the Forum. Bottom line, as long as there is an opportunity, the practice will continue. The best you can do is to reduce your risk of becoming a target using all the techniques listed in the previous discussions.


Hi, the odd thing is that the two players hunting only two members of our FS in Winyandor.
The hunters have FS in all worlds, as well as the hunted players, but, again, they target them only in Winyandor.


Is it possible that they are targeting particular AWs (as described above)? Just wondering.

Is it possible that the two targeted Fellows used to be in the same fellowship as the people targeting them? (Note: this can easily be checked via Elvenstats). Often times, folks will continue to contribute to previous fellows.

Sir Derf

Neither condoning or condemning the behavior, is it possible that those two members are within the circle of discovered provinces for the 'hunters' on that world, and outside the circle on the other worlds?


@cwgiii I already checked via Elvenstats, they have never been in the same FS.
I wrote one of the hunter and she replied that she wanna just say hello. But again, both perpetretors and victims had been in the same FS since ever.



The hunting of Kps of AW is a disaster, because it doesn't allow the involved FS to get their chests.
Only in my FS a player put in one AW's fellow 615 Kps and in the other one 362 Kps, getting the rewards instead of us and surely she does it elsewhere.
I checked her fellowship founding that she gave this week her own fellows about 3,000 Kps.
One thing is donated, another is stealing.
I sincerely do hope that INNO will take this into consideration and make adequate rules against who play in such manner, which IMHO is intollerable.
You are mixing up hunting with pushing. Hunting is gaining a significantly more on your investment, so if I were to put into someone's AW 1KP and I would get in return a chest with 20 KP, that would be hunting. In the example, that you have described, it's pushing and usually done either by push accounts or by someone, who's trying to get rune shards for the newest AWs from the latest chapter, or a good Samaritan, trying to help. In any case, I would be happy with someone adding 615 KP into my AW :) .


You're right. It ain't a good samaritan trying to help, they simply put into more then 20 AW on a regular basis to gain Kps to bring to their own FS.
When you and your fellows can't get Kps from the chests of your AWs, I doubt that you'll be happy, but it's a free world.

Why don't write a post with a title like 'Kps hunters desperatly searched` and wanted?


KP hunting is not against the rules of the game and it can be fun (provided that you have a lot of free time and a good PC). To protect your FS from hunters, you could implement any of the KP swapping systems.


I am not sure what your issue is. If someone put 100+ KP into an AW and gets the top bonus, that is fine. All of the other chests are available.
If you don't like the way your FS conducts itself. move.

Two things you can do with a problem. Moan about it or do something about it. (this would be my strap line but I don't know how to do it.) lol


Well, if you don't know what my issue is, why do you spend your time arguing about what you don't know?
Just asking.
FYI I am not moaning, because nobody's dead.
If you don't know what to do about stopping what you call issue, well you can try writing something useful for once, don't you agree?

Far Reach

The hunting of Kps of AW is a disaster, because it doesn't allow the involved FS to get their chests.

The chests don't belong to the fellowship. They are incentives to contribute to another player's Ancient Wonder and as such they are an asset of the player owning the Wonder.

KP hunters are only interested in contributing to AWs if their investment is less than the value of the reward chest which they expect get in return. In such cases their kps actually benefit the wonder owner (who will get a bigger kp return from their chests than they would have done otherwise.)

A Fellowship without any KP sharing method, will benefit from outsider KP hunters (since the wonder owners get some free kp.)

There are KP sharing schemes (such as Net0/Loan Club) which ensure that each wonder owner gets full value for their chests. KP hunting isn't a problem in Fellowships using these since the hunters can't profit.

The Fellowships which lose out to kp hunters are those which use inefficient KP schemes which can underpay for some reward chests but overpay for others. One way of stopping kp hunting is to ask Inno to ban it (which they've ptreviously refused to do, since they see it as part of the game). Another solution (for affected Fellowships) is to re-examine their KP sharing approach.


@Far Reach
This is my exact point: i.e. ban the kp hunting.
So you're saying that my AWs do not belong to me nor my fellowship?
If they don't belong to a fellowship, what's the point having them?
We do swaps, but this doesn't avoid the problem of these two hunters.
Thanks anyway for your kind explanation.

Sir Derf

The chests are rewards that go to the people who donate the most.
If your fellows donate the most, they get the rewards. If non-fellows donate the most, they get the rewards.

What's the point of having them? To entice people to donate. And apparently it works, as you appear to have people donating.

We understand that you think this is unfair. We understand that you want it to be for your fellows only. We understand that you want to convince others that this is unfair.

Can you understand that there are others who think that it is fair? Can you understand that there are people who want it to be for whoever donates the most, fellows and non-fellows? Can you understand that there are people who remain unconvinced, and think that this is fair?
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