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Answered Perks


...you can redistribute the points tactically... you only need the two archive perks in the moment, when new points are saved - i.e. when the fellowship winnings are paid out in the tournament or spire - because the points are retained and can be used even if the archive is smaller than the saved points...

...always at the beginning of a month you get a new free "reset", so after the last payout of a month you can reduce an archive and in the meantime put the experience points into the KP-Perk, for example, and then restore the archive with the new "reset" of the next month, before the next fellowship payout is due...

..in this picture we reset the tournament archive at 0, but we still have 2500 points saved...
...after spending 10 in current tournament, we still have 2490...

...(the right button is gray because I wasn't a mage there and therefore couldn't deposit anything)...
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What are the advantages for resetting perks
As @Romilly says, you can change which area you would prefer to build up with perk points. You may want to do this if your FS has contributed perks to one of the archives, but then decide that another archive should be grown first, in order to get 'better' advantages.

In my FS we had already decided which archives were more important, so now we only have Knowledge Sharing to complete. For us this was the least valuable archive.
