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New FA - top results on the EN worlds


FA - Jan 2023

Hall of fame : Top 25

FA Jan 23.JPG

Changes this time was a totally new map series with far more badges required than previously. Brew badge requirements dropped down from the usual 50 to just 25. Coin badges became slightly easier, barely noticeable, and still one of the tough ones to get. This FA did start on a Thursday ending on a Wednesday and therefor covered 2 tournaments and 2 spires.

Congratulations to every team who did a personal best!

Any discussions to be done on the other FA thread please.


So this a mix of the top scoring FS's in the FA across all EN worlds, right? Because I see some familiar names from EN1 Arendyll, but also a lot of FS names I don't recognise :)

Anyway, as impressive as the scores may seem, I am most impressed by regular FS's scoring high despite not having swapped fellows for FA-specialised cities :)


FA - Mar 2023

Hall of fame : Top 25

FA results Mar 23.JPG

No changes this time from the previous FA.

Congrats to all groups who got personal bests, be it position or score.


FA - Nov 2023

Hall of fame : Top 25

FA results Nov 23.JPG

We had a bit of a longer break between FAs. One of the teams decided to rock it out of this world and go for an all server record. Well done and congrats! Congrats also to all other teams achieving a personal best.


FA - Apr 2024

Hall of fame : Top 25

FA results Apr 24.JPG

Well done to everyone who achieved their targets! This was the first FA after the change in upgrade requirements for AWs and looking back, the range of the top 25 seems to be the same, so these teams were able to mitigate the constraints.
Would be interesting to see some other stats for each fellowship so you can guage just how well they have performed. After all if these are all 'whale' fellowships then you would expect them to have the city space available to devote to an FA.

Ranking Points and Position in their World.

A while back our fellowship went all out and made the top 10 in Arendyll (7th if memory serves) even though we were (probably) still in the 100+ zone.

For the April 2024 FA the only thing we struggled with was the Arcane Residue badges. We were all in that Ark though... :confused:


Master of the Elements
The biggest FA performers are never the biggest fellowships by ranking points. In order to compete at the top of FAs a team will need several very small cities that can produce badges such as bracelets much more easily. In the past I had a chapter 4 city on a grid of 5 by 4 squares, and personally produced 2,000 bracelets in one FA. That's quite an extreme example, but you see the point. You need these kinds of cities so that those with the biggest footprints can produce hundreds of production badges. In fact some teams will have small cities ready to bring in for an FA.

In the more general sense, those "whale" fellowships, measured by ranking points are generally packed with cities that are bloated with armouries and very inefficient. They can accomplish things to a degree, but will rarely excel in any other way that you might measure a FS in.