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It is just over a year now since we had the new format and with eight sets of data, I can put together other sets of highlights if you like. Any suggestions of what you might like to see?
Unfortunately I do not have the stats of previous FAs, the ones before Nov 2020.Maybe to see how fellowships did in comparison to previous FA? Only if you feel like it.
Mmm, a tall order. I do feel we are due for some noticeable change, so will do some final comparisons for what happened from Nov 2020 to Nov 2021.A big total with with the 100 top scores?
Thanks for this, @BlueBlou - as always, your accurate record-keeping is much appreciated!
And now that we have the new "New" FA (!), I wonder whether anyone is going to go for that big 200K barrier, one of these fine days...?
@Qertusa : My Lord, that is an outstanding performance! I've read the DE Forum thread you've linked - for which many thanks! - and I can only say that the Exodus Fellowship has set the bar very, very high indeed, by means of what was an extraordinary degree of effort, co-ordination, and dedication... a starting target of minimum 3,000 Badges PER FELLOW?! That really is... mind-boggling!
Thank you for the link and the info @Qertusa. I have had a look at the composition of the development status of the cities that achieved this feat and it confirms what I suspected might be needed. Wish I could have seen the cities in action, but alas, I do not have a profile on that server. Hats off to a crew even more FA crazy than all our wonderful teams on the EN servers!
She produced it without using Time boosters.It is crazy what is possible with a very small city, plus a storm and aureate phoenix. My small city has done 1,000 bracelets in a prior adventure and that isn't FA orientated as it is on a footprint of about 4x5 squares. I guess the only limitations is the number of time boosters available.