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More friendly players needed in Lion's Den


We are looking for a few more players who like team work.
We don't require much, only a little participation in tournaments, but we would appreciate players who love taking part in fellowship adventures and who would like to help building up our fellowship.
We like helping each other in our fellowship, we like giving advice, and we welcome any advice from new long time players so you could become one of its leaders if you have experience and we are pretty sure you'll find some precious help if you are a beginner. We don't require members to chat or answer messages if they don't feel like it, we respect their choice.
We were 2 steps from finishing the 3 paths in last adventure and we are pretty confident we will finish it next time :) We do the weekly tournament (7th chest) and the Spire.
We have decided not to accept short-time players anymore, as we prefer to keep some space for more active players so all can have fun.
If you are looking for a fs and you think you'll be happy with us, please apply / contact our Archmage or Coriandre or answer this message.
Looking forward to have new players in our ranks ;-)
Have fun :)