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Moonstone Library Changes just announced in Beta


Moonstone Library Changes just announced in Beta!

Dear Humans and Elves
We are happy to announce balancing changes to the Moonstone Library will be geared to the players Boosted Refined Goods.

From Friday September 17th the following changes will be seen:

Scroll boosted players would now produce Crystal in the Moonstone Library
Crystal boosted players would now produce Silk in the Moonstone Library
Silk boosted players would now produce Scrolls in the Moonstone Library


We hope you like the changes we're bringing to this building. Please let us know your feedback to the changes by leaving a comment in the discussion thread!

kind regards,
Your Elvenar Team


This is definitely a positive change for all those boosted in scrolls :)
The question remains whether the small piece (endless scrolls) was changed. IMO that part is even worse than the library as it doesn't take a lot of space and with just one connection we get the max scrolls bonus (5k in chapter 15). One can make tones of scrolls on just one expansion. If that piece still produces scrolls then the big winners of this change are those boosted in crystal as they will be producing all 3 type of goods and could be almost self-sufficient in T2.


Perhaps my scrolls manufactories will become useful again :p

Thank the game devs for me, and give them an extra bowl of gruel for supper ;)


I'm boosted in Crystal so suits me :=))
They wrote the wrong announcement last night, it was changed today: the correct rebalancing is: those boosted in scrolls get silk, those boosted in silk get crystal and those boosted in crystal still get scrolls.

rock stream

the correct rebalancing is: those boosted in scrolls get silk, those boosted in silk get crystal and those boosted in crystal still get scrolls.
How does this address the over supply of scrolls? Won't there still be an over production of scrolls? I would think the only way to balance this, if you don't address the supply side, would be through the demand side.


How does this address the over supply of scrolls? Won't there still be an over production of scrolls? I would think the only way to balance this, if you don't address the supply side, would be through the demand side.
Well it doesn't solve it completely and it will take some time to lower the massive stocks people have but it certainly makes it better: less scrolls will be produced + those boosted in scrolls get some silk so they don't have to rely as much on trading as before...
Removing the library from the Spire was the first step towards solving the problem, this is the second one, maybe there will be a 3rd one if this is not enough.
The irony ofc is that this is how it was supposed to be from the start and then there would have been no scrolls problem.


How does this address the over supply of scrolls? Won't there still be an over production of scrolls? I would think the only way to balance this, if you don't address the supply side, would be through the demand side.
Well there arte a few ways. but you cannot negate 2 years of scroll madness so it will take time to get the scroll issue under control. it's not an overnight solution and a years to late solution but it's a solution nevertheless.

So how does it solve the issue?
  • the developers have scewed the research tree a little towards scrolls over the years. so this will slowly eat away the oversupply
  • plenty of players have rerolled there accounts to get rid of the scroll boost, so there are currently fewer scroll boosted players this will also eat away the scroll problem.
Give it at least a year or so to to slowly fix itself.
Scroll players now get alternative goods which solves at least there current today issue.

It also means the current production is no longer scewed towards scrolls, which means it will be much easier to trade. thos with 1 trillion scrolls might not want new scrolls but everyone else needs it again.

Overall it's a good change and it's sad to see it took them 2 years after we begged for it for so long, I still do not understand why it took them this long to make this very obvious decision


The overproduction of scrolls was more prominent in the higher chapter cities. I never had an overproduction in my smaller cities even though I had 4 library sets placed and had to supplement with scroll manus. One can make a case that the chapter needs for high chapter cities are not t2 and therefor t2 will start piling up. The best good would probably be whatever is needed in those chapters +1 or +2.


How does this address the over supply of scrolls? Won't there still be an over production of scrolls? I would think the only way to balance this, if you don't address the supply side, would be through the demand side.

It means that from now on all T2 will be produced in more or less equal numbers from all Moonstone libraries in elvenar. It does not affect the past (which is not super important as the past will sort itself out over time) and it does not affect the endless scrolls building (which will still produce scrolls for everybody), but it is a major step in the right direction. It will be instantly noticable that scroll will become less (not zero!) predominant than they are right now :)


TBH I'd rather have it as it is now. Yes, scrolls are my boosted goods but I like the extra I get from the Moonstone Library including the Endless Scrolls part and won't be happy if I lose that in favour of something else I can already trade for. I get plenty of silk from my Tides building and can trade for anything I need above that.

[Edit, addition] Also if the production changes from scrolls to silk or crystals, would we still get the spell fragments as the additional boost? Those are even more helpful than the extra scrolls for those of us smaller, newer players without the ability to top the spire every week.