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Moonstone Libraries - glut of scrolls


I read in forum that the current trading problem using scrolls is exacerbated by too many players having Moonstone Library sets.
To redress the imbalance perhaps the game could offer some bonus points/prizes to players who sell or disenchant their Moonstone buildings.
I'm definitely having trouble trying to trade scrolls, even with my customary 3-star trades.


I think that would be extremely difficult to balance, so much more complicated than other much easier solutions that have been proposed many times before. And not even the simplest of solutions have been deemed worth a comment by any dev. So the probability of this suggestion being implemented are well... Then again, maybe they are looking for the most convoluted solution possible to the problem, since none of the simple ones seem to be interesting.


I take your point @Gargon667. I was just trying to propose another approach in the vain hope that the devs would do something. When your boosted goods are almost worthless and unwanted, desperation sets in :rolleyes:
Thanks for your reply.