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Message from the Product Owner - Discord


FA days over… sounds like pure joy to me! Lol. Sorry… I know some still like it
Yeah, me too @Anni-Lizzie. Double-plus good. (small reference to 1984 by George Orwell)

But perhaps @Valedoress has given me a ready-made excuse to beg off doing FAs, and not offend those in my FS who are mad keen about them. I'll just explain that I have no Teleport spells left, and so can't recklessly destroy my beautiful city to build a cr@ppy shanty town. :D



The ‘give with one hand, take with the other’ trick! What I still don’t get is why we even need these “adjusted” prizes for the extraordinary shortfalls in traditional supplies in the first place if you hadn’t rogered the Wonders. Tweak after tweak to address stresses in the game bought on by these so called improvements. Where will it end? Give us this to relieve this shortage, oh no, wait… nah you should just do it this way… I think it would have been so much more honest if they just said spend real money and you can what you want, instead of this constant take-adjust, take-adjust rubbish. I’m getting whiplash
Well said Anni, I couldnt agree more!
It would appear that there is little thought goes into determining whether what they want to implement will have long term benefits or create issues down the line. Its the constant knee jerk reactions. In fixing one issue they create another and so it goes.
They are also their own worst enemies with this as we have a Beta server which is to test before the release to live servers. However, 90% of the time, issues discovered in Beta by the lovely testers over there are ignored and the release goes live along with all the bugs. Why? Whats the damn rush? Fix it then release it! Otherwise what is the point of having a Beta server? Perhaps then a lot of these issues could be avoided!!
The thing that amuses me the most is the thinking behind changing the game retrospectively and completely butchering the majority of people’s game play, alienating the base… aim - to slow higher players down. I think players going through chapters traditionally spend more real money due to being impatient. Now the same said players are sitting high in the research tree, not as many players are starting the game as did through covid and now they are scambling to regain the cash that earlier years produced. But they’ve missed the boat. retrospectively changing the game wasn’t the answer, derrrrr… introducing some super exciting ‘work hard’ new things to excite the base to want to achieve them and perhaps spend $$ would have been better. Oh well…


But perhaps @Valedoress has given me a ready-made excuse to beg off doing FAs, and not offend those in my FS who are mad keen about them. I'll just explain that I have no Teleport spells left, and so can't recklessly destroy my beautiful city to build a cr@ppy shanty town. :D
This message has been screenshot and saved in multiple locations and will be shown to the other FA enthusiasts in our FS if not shanty town appears in your city for the next FA. :p

PS: I don't take responsibility for the riots that may ensue... :D


However, 90% of the time, issues discovered in Beta by the lovely testers over there are ignored and the release goes live along with all the bugs.
It's probably done via risk management. Cocky programmers say thanks for the bug IDs, but we are so great that we can have it all fixed before the next major update. Management says thank you my precious, so full steam ahead and damn the torpedos. :oops:
