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Making helping easier


Apologies if this has been suggested before but a new feature in another of Innos raft of great games has recently added the "help all" button and I'm finding this a big help in removing a time consuming and boring element of the game. Helping is something I believe is a strong element in this game but I'm getting a bit tired of spending a lot of my time ingame spamming the help button and feeling a "help all" button would be amazing. Please look hard at bringing that feature into Elvenar ... even if that means adding the "view advert" to enable.
Helping is something I believe is a strong element in this game
I would have to agree @Geminatrix. In the olden days, giving NH was incredibly slow and painful. One had to visit every other eligible player's city to then click on the 'help' icon and then stumble around looking for a suitable building of theirs to drop the NH upon.

The current NH system is a vast improvement. It does take time and mouse-clicks to bestow NH, but you do get to see the other players' NH preferences and a view of their best NH candidates.
