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Fellowships Live button and date box


There should be a light up button in the fellowship members list that says when players within your fellowship are online. There should also be a box that says date last on so the archmage and mages can keep track of when players were last active. That way it would make it easier on making decisions for removing players from the fellowship that no longer play the game.
Seen as a fellowship can only have 25 members, if you get a handful that stop playing that's a lot of dead wood your carrying, half the time without even realising it.
That's fellowship space that could be filled with active players. A box that said so and so last on 1hr ago or 20 days ago ect would be fantastic.


There should be a light up button in the fellowship members list that says when players within your fellowship are online. There should also be a box that says date last on so the archmage and mages can keep track of when players were last active. That way it would make it easier on making decisions for removing players from the fellowship that no longer play the game.
Seen as a fellowship can only have 25 members, if you get a handful that stop playing that's a lot of dead wood your carrying, half the time without even realising it.
That's fellowship space that could be filled with active players. A box that said so and so last on 1hr ago or 20 days ago ect would be fantastic
to address your first point....there is in fact an indictator on each member's avatar showing when someone is online Screenshot (3).png .....green means online, grey means not online

to address your second point.....this would be a great suggestion that could be added to the trophy page for all member's (this was suggested by another forum member).....but for right now, most fellowships utilize an outside Elvenar source called ElvenStats.com to determine when members are active or inactive


@Johnboy26 As an Archmage myself my first point of call for who is active is chatting together, followed by the weekly tournament, then on PC I can see who has played the spire, daily reciprocal help then as said above I check the fellowship on elvenstats.com

You are here - https://www.elvenstats.com/player/en1/849817042 from there you can view all sorts of stats about fellows using the many options, that is a 3rd party website so not affiliated with Inno Games but very useful to see who is doing what.
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This is all well and good for people playing on the browser version but for people that play on mobile or tablet it's a bit outdated in comparison. Surely for now days more people play on mobile devices like myself.
Surely these features should be added to the mobile platforms too?


I agree the browser version and the mobile version should coincide with each other.....unfortunately they do not, the process to implement something on browser is a completely different process for mobile......one will eventually catch up to the other