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List of Ancient Wonders and Benefits

Sir Derf

  1. Is there a resource that gives a tabular or similar comparison of all the Ancient Wonders?
  2. Does the Thermal Springs of Youth boost Magic Residences?
  3. Is there an Ancient Wonder culture equivalent to the Golden Abyss/Mountain Halls? Thermal Springs of Youth?
  4. Is there an Ancient Wonder supplies equivalent to Mountain Halls? (not Prosperity Towers, that boosts the Enchantment)?


1. I haven't come across anything that gives you a side-by-side comparison. The wiki and ElvenArchitect give per level values for each. Comparisons are tricky anyway because so many of them depend on how you've built your city.
2. I haven't built it but I'm pretty sure those who have say yes, it does.
3. Both Watchtower Ruins and Sanctuary/Monastery give culture based on your required culture. Thermal Springs gives culture based on your AW levels.
4. Both PT and EE produce supplies based on your supply capacity, I can't see any others that give supplies.

Sir Derf

Clarification on #1... I'm not looking for an every chapter, every level comparison, but rather a "What does this AW do" breakdown.

Sir Derf

Was working on my list while your post came in... was looking for something less than CrazyWizard's, but slightly more than ElvenGems'...

This is primarily generated because I'm in Chapter XVII and hadn't realized that Monastery/Sanctuary or Watchtower Ruins Culture scales by Required Culture like Golden Abyss or Mountain Halls Pop scales by Working Population.

Ancient WonderTimed ProductionInventoryMilitary EffectsTiming EffectsOther Effects
Tome of SecretsKP / dSupplies (%MH) / Scout
Golden AbyssCoins (%MH) / 3hPopulation (%Working Pop)
Endless ExcavationSupplies (%MH) / dayRelic(s) / Province
Needles of the Tempest+Barrack's Training Speed
+LRU Damage
Martial Monastery/SanctuaryCulture (%Required Cult)+Health
Crystal Lighthouse/Bell SpireBoosted Goods (*Provinces) / NH chest+NH polish Duration
Watchtower RuinsCulture (%Required Cult)+Culture / NH polished building
Thrones of the High MenCulture (*AW levels)
Ranking Points (*AW levels)
Dwarven BulwarkBarracks' LMU / 3h+Training Size (%Squad Size)
Mountain HallsPopulation (%Working Pop)+Standard Goods Boost
Prosperity TowersSupplies (%MH) / 3h+PP Duration+PP Effect
Blooming Trader Guild-Trader Fee
+Wholesaler Offers
+Portal Production
Heroes ForgeOrcs / d+HMU Damage
Shrine of the Shrewdy ShroomsBarracks' LRU / 3h+Training Size (*Armory Levels)
Enar's EmbassyBroken Shards / 7dMana (*Provinces) / Scout
Flying AcademyBarracks' Mages / 3h+Merc Camp Training Speed
Maze of the Dark MatterMana (*Provinces) / 3h-Mana Decay
Dragon AbbeyMana (*Provinces) / spell+Mage Damage
Temple of the ToadsBarracks' HRU / 3h+HRU Damage
Elvenar Trade CenterSeeds (*MH Levels) / 12h+MM Duration+MM Effect
Sunset TowersSeeds (*MH Levels) / NH Chest-Seeds Decay
Victory Springs+Train Ground Training Speed
+LMU Damage
Pyramid of PurificationBarracks' HMU / 3hBoosted Sentient Goods (*Orc Prod) / Orcs
Lighthouse of Good Neighborhood+EE Duration+EE Effect
+Mana / NH polished building
Timewarp-Tournament Cooldown+Sentient Goods Boost
Simia SapiensMilitary / Collection-Sentient Goods Decay
Vortex of Storage+Sentient Goods Boost
+Settlement Goods cap
Thermal Spring of Youth+Pop / Residence
Culture (*AW level)
Spire LibraryKP / dRanking Points / Spire Crystal
Tournament ArenaVenom Drone Riders / 3hRanking Points / Tournament Chest
Dragon ArkBoosted Sentient Goods / Quest
CC / Mystical Object
Oracle of FortuneRR / 7dBoosted Sentient Goods / Crafting
Shrine of the ChampionOrc Warrior / 3hOrc / Tournament Point
Temple of SpiritsUnurium / Spire Chest
Unurium / City Event Currency
Vallorian Seal TowerUnurium / Residence Pickup-Unurium Decay
Tree of EnlightenmentRangers / 3h+Ascended Goods Boost
Ancient Resting PlaceGhastly Banshee / 3h-Ascended Goods Decay
Scouts' Tavern-Scouting Time+NH Chests

Edit - Corrected Prosperity Towers production 1d -> 3h
Edit - reworded "+Strength of XXX" or "+Damage of XXX" -> "+XXX Damage"
Edit - reworded "+Standard Production Boost" -> "+Standard Goods Boost"
Edit - rephrased Dwarven Bulwark and Shrewdy Shrooms to reflect the effects are on all Military Buildings, not just Barracks
Edit - Added new Chapter 20 AWs, Ancient Resting Place and Scouts' Tavern
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rock stream

Prosperity Towers should read 3 hour production. This is significant because depending on the amount of time you are on the game greatly influences the benefit. I usually get 4 - 3 hour productions a day.
This is a great summary chart!

rock stream

Is it better to start multiply ancient wonders or to focus on advancing a few aw's? If it is better to focus on a few aw's would taking them to lvl 15 be the objective or all the way to lvl 30?

Sir Derf

That question is way too broadly presented to be answerable. Which AWs? Why? How far along are you in which Chapter? How have you built your city? what is your play style?

Even just to answer the question of what level to take any individual AW to is a question that needs to know details about your situation to give a meaningful answer to you.

Sir Derf

Thread resurrected, but for a purpose - reorganized by benefit category

  1. Coins
    1. Golden Abyss (%MH / 3h)
  2. Supplies
    1. Tome of Secrets (%MH / Scout)
    2. Endless Excavation (%MH / day)
    3. Prosperity Towers (%MH / 3h)
    4. Prosperity Towers (+PP Duration)
    5. Prosperity Towers (+PP Effect)
  3. Population
    1. Golden Abyss (%Working Pop)
    2. Mountain Halls (%Working Pop)
    3. Thermal Spring of Youth (+Pop / Residence)
  4. Culture
    1. Martial Monastery/Sanctuary (%Required Cult)
    2. Watchtower Ruins (%Required Cult)
    3. Thrones of the High Men (*AW Levels)
    4. Thermal Spring of Youth (*AW Level)
    5. Crystal Lighthouse/Bell Spire (+NH polish duration)
    6. Watchtower Ruins (+Culture / NH polished building)
    7. Lighthouse of Good Neighborhood (+EE Duration)
    8. Lighthouse of Good Neighborhood (+EE Effect)
  5. Goods
    1. Blooming Trader Guild (-Trader Fee)
    2. Blooming Trader Guild (+Wholesaler Offers)
    3. Elvenar Trade Center (+MM Duration)
    4. Elvenar Trade Center (+MM Effect)
  6. Boosted Goods
    1. Mountain Halls (+Standard Goods Boost)
    2. Timewarp (+Sentient Goods Boost)
    3. Vortex of Storage (+Sentient Goods Boost)
    4. Tree of Enlightenment (+Ascended Goods Boost)
    5. Simia Sapiens (-Sentient Goods Decay)
    6. Crystal Lighthouse/Bell Spire (*Provinces / NH Chest)
    7. Pyramid of Purification (*Orc Prod / Orcs)
    8. Dragon Ark (/ Quest)
    9. Oracle of Fortune (/ Crafting)
    10. Ancient Resting Place (-Ascended Goods Decay)
    11. Scouts' Tavern (+NH Chests)
  7. Guest Race Goods
    1. Blooming Trader Guild (+Portal Production)
    2. Vortex of Storage (+Settlement Goods Cap)
  8. Orcs
    1. Heroes Forge (/ day)
    2. Shrine of the Champion (/Tournament Point)
  9. Mana
    1. Maze of the Dark Matter (-Mana decay)
    2. Enar's Embassy (*Provinces / Scout)
    3. Maze of the Dark Matter (*Provinces / 3h)
    4. Dragon Abbey (*Provinces / Spell)
    5. Lighthouse of Good Neighborhood (/ NH polished building)
  10. Seeds
    1. Sunset Towers (-Seeds Decay)
    2. Sunset Towers (*MH Levels / NH Chest)
    3. Elvenar Trade Center (*MH Levels / 12h)
  11. Unurium
    1. Vallorian Seal Tower (-Unurium Decay)
    2. Temple of Spirits (/Spire Chest)
    3. Temple of Spirits (/City Event Currency)
    4. Vallorian Seal Tower (/Residence Pickup)
  12. KP
    1. Tome of Secrets (KP / day)
    2. Spire Library (KP / day)
  13. Broken Shards
    1. Enar's Embassy (/ 7 day)
  14. Relics
    1. Endless Excavation (/ Province)
  15. Combining Catalyst
    1. Dragon Ark (/ Mystical Object)
  16. Royal Restoration
    1. Oracle of Fortune (/7 day)
  17. Ranking Points
    1. Thrones of the High Men (*AW Levels)
    2. Spire Library (/Spire Crystal)
    3. Tournament Arena (/Tournament Chest)

  1. Troops
    1. Barrack
      1. Dwarven Bulwark (LMU / 3h)
      2. Shrine of the Shrewdy Shrooms (LRU / 3h)
      3. Flying Academy (Mages / 3h)
      4. Temple of the Toads (HRU / 3h)
      5. Pyramid of Purification (HMU / 3h)
    2. Training Ground
      1. Ancient Resting Place (Ghastly Banshees / 3h)
      2. Shrine of the Champion (Orc Warrior / 3h)
    3. Mercenary Camp
      1. Tournament Arena (Venom Drone Riders/ 3h)
      2. Tree of Enlightenment (Rangers / 3h)
    4. Other
      1. Simia Sapiens (Military / Collection)
  2. +Training Speed
    1. Needles of the Tempest (Barrack)
    2. Flying Academy (Merc Camp)
    3. Victory Springs (Training Grounds)
  3. +Training Size
    1. Dwarven Bulwark (%Squad Size)
    2. Shrine of the Shrewdy Shrooms (* Armory Levels)
  4. +Damage
    1. Needles of the Tempest (LRU)
    2. Heroes Forge (HMU)
    3. Dragon Abbey (Mage)
    4. Temple of the Toads (HRU)
    5. Victory Springs (LMU)
  5. +Health
    1. Martial Monastery/Sanctuary

  1. Cooldowns
    1. Timewarp (Tournament)
    2. Scouts' Tavern (Scouting Time)

Edit - rephrased Dwarven Bulwark and Shrewdy Shrooms to reflect the effects are on all Military Buildings, not just Barracks.
Edit - Added new Chapter 20 AWs, Ancient Resting Place and Scouts' Tavern.
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Sir Derf

All Ancient Wonders get better with higher Levels... But not all Ancient Wonders improve as you progress through Chapters. Based on this, some AWs are better early in the game and are less influential as you progress, some are better later in the game as their power grows as you progress, and some are mostly Neutral, either having no external progression, or are based on decisions that are independent on game progress.

  • Ancient Wonders early, declining in impact as you progress
    • Tome of Secrets - Supplies from scouting is faster early, slowing as you progress (this is stronger than Main Hall capacity)
    • Endless Excavation - Relics from completeing Provinces is faster earlier, slowing as you progress
    • Enar's Embassy - Mana from scouting is faster early slowing as you progress (this is stronger than Provinces, I think)
  • Neutral Ancient Wonders
    • Needles of the Tempest
    • Blooming Trader Guild
    • Heroes Forge
    • Shrine of the Shrewdy Shrooms - Training Size from Armory Levels is a personal decision
    • Flying Academy
    • Temple of the Toads
    • Victory Springs
    • Pyramid of Purification - Boosted Sentient Goods from Orc Production is a personal decision
    • Timewarp
    • Vortex of Storage
    • Spire Library
    • Tournament Arena
    • Dragon Ark
    • Oracle of Fortune
    • Valorian Seal Tower
    • Tree of Enlightenment
    • Ancient Resting Place
    • Scouts' Tavern
  • Ancient Wonders better later, increasing in impact as you progress
    • Golden Abyss - Population from Working Population increases as you progress
    • Martial Monastery/Sanctuary - Culture from Required Culture increases as you progress
    • Crystal Lighthouse/Bell Spire - Boosted Goods from Provinces increases as you progress
    • Watchtower Ruins - Culture from Required Culture increases as you progress
    • Watchtower Ruins - Culture from NH polished building increases as you progress
    • Thrones of the High Men - Culture from AW Levels increases as you progress
    • Thrones of the High Men - Ranking Points from AW Levels increases as you progress
    • Dwarven Bulwarks - Training Size from Squad Size increases as you progress
    • Mountain Halls - Population from Working Population increases as you progress
    • Prosperity Towers - Supplies from Main Hall capacity increases as you progress
    • Maze of the Dark Matter - Mana from Provinces increases as you progress
    • Dragon Abbey - Mana from Provinces increases as you progress
    • Elvenar Trade Center - Seeds from Main Hall Levels increases as you progress
    • Sunset Towers - Seeds from Main Hall Levels increases as you progress
    • Lighthouse of Good Neighborhood - Mana from NH polished buildings increases as you progress
    • Simia Sapiens - Military from Military production increases as you progress
    • Thermal Spring of Youth - Population from Residences increases as you progress
    • Thermal Spring of Youth - Culture from AW Levels increases as you progress
    • Shrine of the Champion - Orcs from Tournament Points increase as you progress (provided you haven't maxed out Tourneys)
    • Temple of the Spirits - Unurium from Spire Chests increase as you progress (provided you haven't maxed out the Spire)

Edit - Added new Chapter 20 AWs, Ancient Resting Place and Scouts' Tavern.
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Sir Derf

Edit - incorrect number in one line of Golden Abyss computation.

The beginning of Chapter 17 Analysis (because I'm Chapter 17)

Golden Abyss
Level 39 Residence = 9,200 Pop / 20 squares = 460 Pop/sq
Level 30 Golden Abyss 460 Pop/sq * 9 sq = 4,140 Pop / 15% = 27,600 Working Pop

I currently have 550,000 Working Pop. 4,140 / 550,000 = .7%, way below the 2.25% of a Level 1 Golden Abyss.
I currently have 550,000 Working Pop. 27,600 / 550,000 = 5%, a Level 8 Golden Abyss.
For me, Level 30 Golden Abyss 550,000 * 15% = 82,500 Pop (Nearly 9 Residences, 180 squares), / 9 sq = 9,167 Pop/sq (nearly 20x the efficiency)

Martial Monastery/Sanctuary
Level 17 Lava Codex = 7,500 Culture / 4 squares = 1,875 Culture/sq
Level 30 MM/S 1,875 Cult/sq * 25 sq = 46,875 Cult / 40% = 117,188 Required Culture

I currently have 640,000 Required Culture. 117,188 / 640,000 = 18%, a Level 11 MM/S.
For me, Level 30 MM/S 640,000 * 40% = 256,000 Culture (Just over 34 Lava Codexes, 136 squares), / 25 sq = 10,240 Cult/sq (nearly 5.5x the efficiency)
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Sir Derf

Question on Crystal Lighthouse/Bell Spire.

"Rewards a certain amount of boosted goods randomly..." one of the three Boosted Standard Goods, or is it possible it will give Sentient, or even Ascended Goods?


Question on Crystal Lighthouse/Bell Spire.

"Rewards a certain amount of boosted goods randomly..." one of the three Boosted Standard Goods, or is it possible it will give Sentient, or even Ascended Goods?
I'm pretty sure it just gives basic standard boosted goods

Sir Derf

More Chapter 17 Analysis (because I'm Chapter 17)

Crystal Lighthouse/Bell Spire
700% Boosted Level 31 Marble 3-hour production = 6,100 / 3h, 48,800 / d, 1,952/sq/d
Level 35 CL/BS 1952/sq/d * 24 sq/3 NH chests/day = 15,616/d / 2300% = 679 Provinces

For me, Level 33 CL/BS 600 * 2300% * 3 NH Chest/d = 41,400/d (84% a Marble Manu), / 24 sq = 1,725/sq/d (88..4% efficiency)
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