Hello , I am Ionut from Romania,25 old, I have a good job(private)
Previous i played 5 years grepolis,RO server,my glory was on world ZETA,I deleted my account when the timer for ending the world start,I was nr5(250-270 cities...i forgot exactly),No3 attacker...i wast the founder of EDEN alliance,the best on that world of course ..,etc
I played 1 year FoE ,Cigard world my main,top 20 until i leave the game...
Now i play Elvenar,and i recomend the game to every one because is nice,dont need so much time to play,no war until this level,just build your city,gather resurces,grow armies and fight with AI on map,discover new neighbors and tecnhologies.....
If u need strategies for develop your city dont ezitate to contact me(PM on game please) and i will help u.Of course i played from beta
PS:Sry for my mistakes,I'm rookie at english language and I dont like to use translators,I prefer to learn from my mistakes.
Previous i played 5 years grepolis,RO server,my glory was on world ZETA,I deleted my account when the timer for ending the world start,I was nr5(250-270 cities...i forgot exactly),No3 attacker...i wast the founder of EDEN alliance,the best on that world of course ..,etc
I played 1 year FoE ,Cigard world my main,top 20 until i leave the game...
Now i play Elvenar,and i recomend the game to every one because is nice,dont need so much time to play,no war until this level,just build your city,gather resurces,grow armies and fight with AI on map,discover new neighbors and tecnhologies.....
If u need strategies for develop your city dont ezitate to contact me(PM on game please) and i will help u.Of course i played from beta
PS:Sry for my mistakes,I'm rookie at english language and I dont like to use translators,I prefer to learn from my mistakes.