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Interesting event buildings - spice it up!


I have recently returned to the game after a long hiatus. I started a new city because I was totally overwhelmed by my old chapter xv city, I couldn’t remember how it all worked.

I remember the glory days of events: bears, phoenixes, amazing combos. I gotta say that I am so bored by the recent event buildings. I completed the raccoon in my beta city and the Glory of the Nimble in my live city, where I’m currently working on the raccoon. These buildings just give goods a few KP. Yawn. How about mixing it up a bit, offering some buildings that feel like they’re really worth having? I don’t even bother feeding my raccoon, no incentive there. The pet food is stacking up.

I used to look forward to event buildings, but now the events are just a good way for me to stock up on instants, free troops and maybe a couple of good culture buildings. Nothing remarkable.


Take a look at the numbers on the Raccoon's Seeds production, both without and with Pet Food...
Which is great once you’re in a chapter which requires seeds… What are we supposed to do, spend a ton of RRs upgrading it every chapter just so we can finally get seeds? ‍
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Sir Derf

Apologies, I realized after I posted that you were commenting from a restarted city perspective.

Not every building is going to be applicable for every city in every stage or style of development. Being an earlier city, your view of usefulness will be more restrictive.

I agree, not every building is great, but there have been several Evolvers that I rank as Hero buildings for production, both classic and recent. Consider Witch's Hut for Culture, Festive May Tree and Echoes of the Forgotten for Coins or Triumph of the Tides for Supplies. Further along, there's Witch's Hut and Echoes of the Forgotten for Orcs. Watchful Winter Owl and Wise Golem for Mana or Triumph of the Tides and Witty Raccoon for Seeds.

As to "What are you supposed to do?"... Well, what were you supposed to do in the past? What were you supposed to do before RRs were introduced? Before Blueprints, and crafting? Before the repeat offerings of evolving Bases and Artifacts? Before Tomes?

Spend a ton of RR's upgrading it every chapter? Isn't that the entire purpose of RRs? Why else do you have them?


As to "What are you supposed to do?"... Well, what were you supposed to do in the past? What were you supposed to do before RRs were introduced? Before Blueprints, and crafting? Before the repeat offerings of evolving Bases and Artifacts? Before Tomes?

Okay, let’s take the Bears and the Phoenixes as examples. They were useful immediately, regardless of chapter, AND they brought a little complexity and interest.

Fire Phoenix boosted troop damage power, Storm boosted MM spell effects.

Polar Bear reduced the tourney province cooldown, Brown Bear boosted unit production, Panda gave a bonus reward every time you fed another pet.

I’ve come away from the last couple of events (Lucky Fin, dwarves and raccoon) with lots of extra resources but it feels so bland, so vanilla. At least some of the previous event buildings gave us something to think about, some tactics to consider, things that could be applied to all sorts play styles and not just accumulating goods. The mechanic of the dwarven board game was quite cool and brought a new twist, which some will have enjoyed but I know nothing’s universal.

And yes @SkyRider99, thank goodness, but gosh I wish someone would explain the use of those coin and KP thingies. Wow, what’s THAT all about.

Of course that what RRs are for, but as you’ll see in my previous message, my point was that I see limited value in having to carry and upgrade a building for several chapters before I really feel any benefit from it. Why would I, when there are other buildings that perhaps have more value?


I agree, not every building is great, but there have been several Evolvers that I rank as Hero buildings for production, both classic and recent. Consider Witch's Hut for Culture, Festive May Tree and Echoes of the Forgotten for Coins or Triumph of the Tides for Supplies. Further along, there's Witch's Hut and Echoes of the Forgotten for Orcs. Watchful Winter Owl and Wise Golem for Mana or Triumph of the Tides and Witty Raccoon for Seeds.
Sorry, forgot to respond to that part. I’m glad that you liked those other buildings, they pre-date my return to the game so I haven’t seen them in action. I often see them available to craft but I only have one or two evolving spells (if I have any at all) so haven’t crafted one yet. If I encountered one for which I had more evolving spells, I’d look at it in more detail.


Which is great once you’re in a chapter which requires seeds… What are we supposed to do, spend a ton of RRs upgrading it every chapter just so we can finally get seeds? ‍

Or you could just not place it - save the artifacts, disenchant the base and craft a new one when you get to a chapter where it will be useful. The next event, which might have a building that's more useful right now, is always just around the corner.
Or you could just not place it - save the artifacts, disenchant the base and craft a new one when you get to a chapter where it will be useful. The next event, which might have a building that's more useful right now, is always just around the corner.
Nice one @MinervaOz. When life gives you lemons, make lemonade. And plant an orange tree. :p


Never n
Oh, and you want more interesting buildings?

Make some suggestions.
Naturally I am not up to speed on the abilities provided by all AWs and other event buildings, so forgive me if any of these are too similar to anything already available within the game. I am also at a very early stage in the game, I have yet to unlock my first guest settlement, so my perspective is quite l8mited. Although I reached chapter xv in my previous city, I don’t remember enough about those higher chapters to write anything based on those.

You’ll have to excuse me if some of these sentences don’t make total sense. Still very unwell so struggling with impaired cognition. It’s very difficult to string thoughts together, writing them is a separate challenge.

Assuming that the event building permanently grants pop/cult/goods/troops (e.g. Brown Bear produces troops every 24 hours), add more variation with feeding/activation effects.

Feed building to get:

  1. Temporary extra builder. Cool-down to be 5-7 days so it can’t be used too often. One-off effect with cool-down, as opposed to enduring effect.

  2. Reduced crafting time of items in MA

  3. Reduced wait for new recipes in MA

  4. Reduced wait on new Spire levels, similar to the tourney cool-down from the bear/phoenix

  5. Temporarily allow crafting of enchantments using spell fragments instead of relics? Or some other way to use/swap spell fragments

  6. Boost of NH e.g. extra coins at MH, or bigger culture boost, or bigger time reduction at builders hut

  7. Ability to use spell fragments in place of RRs, single use only (I.e. only one building so it isn’t overused, and with long cool-down)

  8. Extends trade network for trades you want to accept, (not offer, mechanics would prob be too complicated) - could be useful for people who play solo, who don’t play in very active FS or who have very inactive trading neighbours

  9. Bonus (perhaps extra Vapor) with each MA craft

  10. Reduce time of any activity (or just certain activities) that can be accelerated with time instants

Instead of pet food to activate the building, perhaps use spell fragments (or even a brand new item) if it makes more thematic sense (building doesn’t have to be an animal)? Fragments can pile up pretty quickly for some players. Not sure if that could be implemented in a way that wouldn’t disincentivise players who don’t regularly play Spire or have fragment generating buildings such as Moonstone.

Lots of them turned out to be MA-related.


But the crux of it all is that then we are making connections between the event building and other mechanics of the game, linking things together and not only collecting more goods, supplies, troops.


Or you could just not place it - save the artifacts, disenchant the base and craft a new one when you get to a chapter where it will be useful. The next event, which might have a building that's more useful right now, is always just around the corner.
ooo, that’s good!


But the crux of it all is that then we are making connections between the event building and other mechanics of the game, linking things together and not only collecting more goods, supplies, troops.
And for players who don’t want that extra layer, they still get the basic ability of the building, so they’re still getting something from the building.