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Imagination Bound


Currently seeking new active members to replace non active players
Contact Aisling1
Imbound fen.JPG


Thank you Wowwie..

Yes, Imagination Unbound is looking for active members..
We have "rules' but they are more 'guide lines' .. we'd like you to be active.. that means telling the FS when and where you are playing..the rest we can work with!!!
One day a week, or all 7.. just so long as we know.. whatever, just keep in touch.
Please, we are European, for the most, English default language, though not the majority and we are looking for players who want to have fun and reap the rewards of a less than perfect FellowShip & Everyone's welcome!


hi I have placed an application in game and also sent a message from my alt city (marlinka) my boosts are planks silk and when I get there gems I play most days and always do a few provinces in tournies


hi I have placed an application in game and also sent a message from my alt city (marlinka) my boosts are planks silk and when I get there gems I play most days and always do a few provinces in tournies
Baralinka, I don't see you. Can you try again? We're Imagination Unbound.. or look for me Aisling1.


Make sure you are in the same world. Accounts from different worlds cannot interact (except on the forum).
This is posted in a thread called "Felyndral, Fellowship seeking new members, but in case it isn't as obvious as I thought it was..
Felyndral is the world.


Monday 12th March

We are still looking for a minimum of 4 interested, active players for our FS.
After the FA we even have bragging rights. Despite having only 21 players, not all of them active, and not being able to Finish - we came 21st overall. That's way above our ranking.
All are welcome. Do check us out.



This is posted in a thread called "Felyndral, Fellowship seeking new members, but in case it isn't as obvious as I thought it was..
Felyndral is the world.

True, it might seem obvious. However, unfortunately, the posts show up for anyone reading the forum (I wish world specific posts did not), and an individual that did not know this might see a post meant for a specific world but not realize. Then respond without checking.

I just meant to point out that a common reason why folks can't find each other in game may be that they are not logged into the same world. Just an observation. I know it took me a while to figure out the relationship there.