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Baralinka, I don't see you. Can you try again? We're Imagination Unbound.. or look for me Aisling1.hi I have placed an application in game and also sent a message from my alt city (marlinka) my boosts are planks silk and when I get there gems I play most days and always do a few provinces in tournies
I don't see you. Can you try again? We're Imagination Unbound.. or look for me Aisling1.
This is posted in a thread called "Felyndral, Fellowship seeking new members, but in case it isn't as obvious as I thought it was..Make sure you are in the same world. Accounts from different worlds cannot interact (except on the forum).
This is posted in a thread called "Felyndral, Fellowship seeking new members, but in case it isn't as obvious as I thought it was..
Felyndral is the world.