I mean if the season of it starts we need to stay with that seasons begining chapter where we begined meaning that if you advances in chapter you still belongs to same league. (or not if thats complicated) you know elvenar chapter humans against elvenar chapter elves XD on each server there could be a leaderboards where we see how many resources we collected from all tree planks... and other goody each and we sum them too see which group did more, and we should comete by counting which group made more points in the tournament too. then the two group can even send warriors into to fight each other XD but we limited with sending trops all day so one can just choose too send 5 unit amount from 1 type what he/she choosed, then on the 7th day the sended into battle units fight, they not need to has the player streight just the types matter what it sended and if it gived 5 or less unit. this units globally added into one army and the victory will be the ones who more or the ones who has the units whats upper toward the other group choosed mostly to be played type. i mean if there less cerberus in one group than the wizards in the other group but the advantage matters then its really matters what units we send into the battle. This units in the fihts shouldnt be made in the facilities but being hired up for resources. XD