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Getting to the Top of the Spire


Does anyone else feel a sense of disappointment when getting to the top? No bells, no whistles, no fireworks, nada, nothing, zilch!
Please Inno - a smallish tweak, there really ought to be some acknowledgement of the cost of getting there if nothing else.
We get that you can't provide champagne and nibbles or ale and curry if preferred, but something...anything?


You bet, are many who have the same feeling. Actually, was pointed out in a thread (here or Beta, can't recall) that it's such a disappointment the end of Spire. I myself, for the first time a reached the top, I was waiting to ... happen something :D My warrior just stood there and that was it. No fireworks, no confetti, nothing. Pretty sad, if you ask me.


Agreed. There isn't even an "Awesome" button to click, just "back to your city" which is pretty much "You're finished, go home".


would love to see something more exciting happen at the top as well........+1

for more additional comments on this subject please check out this thread ty https://en.forum.elvenar.com/index.php?threads/spire-lonely-at-the-top.17423/
Thanks for the reference mate. :)

'Twould be nice if the mods and devs got on board with this one. Although it doesn't change the way the game operates per se, it just seems that they are under-selling the achievement and effort it takes for some of us to get to the top of that dratted Spire! C'est la guerre.

c'est la guerre​

A French phrase meaning that’s war, used to imply that people must accept disappointments or reverses in any field of competition.




Would be nice for something to happen, I am lonely at the top once again for a whole week.

Being lonely is the new social norm it would seem. Governments locking us all up for nearly two years may have something to do with that.

Feel the serenity. :rolleyes: