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Other Gendered honorifics


This request will be nightmare for translators. I know it’s hard to imagine for an English native speaker, but many languages do contain genders - there is not just “leader”, but “she leader” and “he leader”. Very similar words, but distinguishable at the first glance. For example German (Inno is German company) has genders. ;-)

I’m not a man, but I’ve always imagined that I’m just kind of “impersonating” the leader of my city, so I didn’t take any offense when they “called me” Lord. It’s a fantasy game, I’m not really there. :) That being said, I don’t mind either way. It would be also nice being called something else, something neutral.

I’ve got a plea, though. Please keep this game a fantasy game, not activists game. I come here to relax, to drive my mind away from the problems in the real world. I don’t come here to think about them here as well.


I have encountered the character dialogue with {user name} inserted in a few different online games, so hopefully that could be integrated

Since I can do that on a spreadsheet I am pretty sure a professional coder needs less than 5 seconds to do that ;)


This request will be nightmare for translators. I know it’s hard to imagine for an English native speaker, but many languages do contain genders - there is not just “leader”, but “she leader” and “he leader”. Very similar words, but distinguishable at the first glance. For example German (Inno is German company) has genders. ;-)

I’m not a man, but I’ve always imagined that I’m just kind of “impersonating” the leader of my city, so I didn’t take any offense when they “called me” Lord. It’s a fantasy game, I’m not really there. :) That being said, I don’t mind either way. It would be also nice being called something else, something neutral.

I’ve got a plea, though. Please keep this game a fantasy game, not activists game. I come here to relax, to drive my mind away from the problems in the real world. I don’t come here to think about them here as well.

Deleted User - 654258

I really like this idea. "My lord" doesn't make any sense for female players, let alone our non-binary friends. It's always annoyed me.

Maybe we could get a dropdown box in the settings where we could choose our own honorific? So there could be all of the above suggestions, including masculine, feminine, gender-neutral, elven, orcish, human, good, evil, etc options.

I'd also like to add a few more suggestions to the list:
My lady
Your vileness
Your magnificence
Your grace
Wise one
Dark one
Noble one
Fair noble
[will add more as I think of them]
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The cats mother
Elvenar Team
@Gargon667 I would not want to be addressed as Your Orcness :)
I don't want to be excluded and discriminated against either. It would be fairer and make more sense to just include both honorifics. "Dear Kings and Queens" etc. PC is out of control and creates divisiveness.
And BTW, what's wrong with a character who is actually the Queen of the Fairies, or the King of the Mountains, sending an open message to *all* players?

Deleted User - 1634960

We at Elvenar value and definitely support positive Gender Equality. Your suggestion makes a lot of sense. Therefore, we are going to forward this immediately to our Developers. We are sure that our Developers will consider this and start working towards a more LGTBQIA+ friendly texts.

I like your idea erebus, the Elfie language is very nice, although we cannot discriminate against our humans! But I am sure our developers will come up with something!
Gender equality means exactly that. Let's not pander. A single term that is not directly gender-related (many have been listed already, although I lean towards "Your Grace" because it is short) should do the job without having to ask players to state a gender or lack thereof.
The thing that surprises me most about this discussion is the evidence that some players do, after all, READ their quest descriptions. :D
The thing that surprises me most about this discussion is the evidence that some players do, after all, READ their quest descriptions. :D
I must admit I usually don’t and before reading this thread I wouldn‘t have been able to tell you how the quests were worded or what title they gave me.

Deleted User - 654258

Gender equality means exactly that. Let's not pander. A single term that is not directly gender-related (many have been listed already, although I lean towards "Your Grace" because it is short) should do the job without having to ask players to state a gender or lack thereof.
Replacing "M'Lord" with "Your Grace" is a quick, effective, and easy-to-code solution to this problem, and I fully support.

In addition to this, it might be fun if at some point we could implement a setting where players could choose which honorific they'd like to be addressed by. Perhaps in chapter 2? "Your Grace" would be the default, with additional options including both gendered and non-gendered honorifics such as M'Lord, M'Lady, Your Majesty, Mayor, General, Sherrif, Sir Knight, Lady Knight, etc, and also some quirky or fantasy themed ones, such as Your Orcness, Your Vileness, Great Leaf, Shining Star, etc.

Deleted User - 341074

I'm not actually here, but I got linked from a beta discussion so I thought I might add a little pertinent data for you all:

LORD is actually gender-neutral already.

The Queen of England actually holds the title "The Lord of Mann".
Which forums are these again? :p


I'm not actually here, but I got linked from a beta discussion so I thought I might add a little pertinent data for you all:

LORD is actually gender-neutral already.

The Queen of England actually holds the title "The Lord of Mann".
Which forums are these again? :p
Thanks for putting some facts but... Weren´t you retired from EN forum ?

Sir Derf

Well, no and yes...

from Wikipedia "Lord"
The appellation "lord" is primarily applied to men, while for women the appellation "lady" is used. This is no longer universal: the Lord of Mann, a title held by the Queen of the United Kingdom, and female Lords Mayor are examples of women who are styled as "Lord".

While there is some precedent for non-standard usage in specific cases in modern times, I think it a stretch to make the flat assertion that Lord is gender neutral, especially in a fantasy setting. Lord "can be" gender neutral, "could be" gender neutral, but "is"...


Well, no and yes...

from Wikipedia "Lord"

While there is some precedent for non-standard usage in specific cases in modern times, I think it a stretch to make the flat assertion that Lord is gender neutral, especially in a fantasy setting. Lord "can be" gender neutral, "could be" gender neutral, but "is"...

Can you call them My Lady Lord? Or ladylord? Ohhh that sounds bad hahahaha, I love it!