This request will be nightmare for translators. I know it’s hard to imagine for an English native speaker, but many languages do contain genders - there is not just “leader”, but “she leader” and “he leader”. Very similar words, but distinguishable at the first glance. For example German (Inno is German company) has genders. ;-)
I’m not a man, but I’ve always imagined that I’m just kind of “impersonating” the leader of my city, so I didn’t take any offense when they “called me” Lord. It’s a fantasy game, I’m not really there.

That being said, I don’t mind either way. It would be also nice being called something else, something neutral.
I’ve got a plea, though. Please keep this game a fantasy game, not activists game. I come here to relax, to drive my mind away from the problems in the real world. I don’t come here to think about them here as well.