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Fellowship Adventure


From Discord via FB:

"Brace yourselves! From June 20th to June 26th we will start a new round of Fellowship Adventures, so get your Fellowships together and grab some nice rewards! There'll be new rewards:
Map 1: Ancient Wonder Knowledge Points 15, Carting Library, Time Booster 10m (x10);
Map 2: Ancient Wonder Knowledge Points 20 (x2), Tome of Grand Hive*, Time Booster 30m (x15);
Map 3: Ferris Wheel Galore, Verdant Phoenix Artifact, Time Booster 45m (x25).

*Contents of Tome of Grand Hive: The High Hive, Pupa Nest, Pollen Pantry, Sentry Post, Fiddlin' Foliage, The Gilded Jar

This round of the Fellowship Adventures ends on June 26th."


Please mommy, make the bad man go away.

Please mommy, make the bad man go away.

Commiserations @SkyRider99. It never ends! (although isn't there a break in the FA-event cycle due sometime soon?)

Actually, it may be good timing for me. I was about to sell a load of old buildings, but selling them will give me CCs. Am I right in thinking that these CCs will count towards druid staffs? Or have Inno thought about that and disabled it?


I was about to sell a load of old buildings, but selling them will give me CCs. Am I right in thinking that these CCs will count towards druid staffs? Or have Inno thought about that and disabled it?
Don't quote me, but I think CCs gained in this manner do count for getting Druids. I get more CCs from the Spire though. And I produce CCs (and MMs) in the Magic Academy, but don't collect them until the FA starts.

I try to contribute to FAs for the sake of my FS, some of whom who go batsh*t crazy over it. Right now though my guest race have taken over all my spare city space. No necklaces, statues, or blacksmiths from me this time around. :cool:

Great to read your posting @spritemaster. :)
Yes, I also use the Spire to get most of my CCs, and store some in the MA too. It's just a nice coincidence that I was looking to replace some old buildings about now.

I was severely hampered in the last FA because of guest races taking all the space in my city. This time round, the Amuni have just cleared off so I have a massive empty space (at least, until the Constructs want to take over). :D

In our FS, the FA is more of a friendly few days with people contributing what they can, when they can. Some contribute loads of resources, some just a few, and a couple don't like the FA at all. But it's all about fun and getting a few prizes along the way.


In our FS, the FA is more of a friendly few days with people contributing what they can, when they can. Some contribute loads of resources, some just a few, and a couple don't like the FA at all. But it's all about fun and getting a few prizes along the way.
Sounds similar to my situation @spritemaster. :)

Even though I can't see what fun people find in playing the FAs, I am happy to see them try. I've contributed many badges in the past, but for me now the enjoyment and recognition of effort has disappeared. :cool:
I was about to sell a load of old buildings, but selling them will give me CCs. Am I right in thinking that these CCs will count towards druid staffs?

Just tried it, and yes! If selling a building gives you CCs back, these count towards druid staffs. Maybe not 141 staffs (that's amazingly disciplined!), but every little helps.

Now, if only there was an easier way to get vision vapor.


Yes you can, especially after you had accidentally picked up 120CCs last week, that you'd been saving since the last FA......grrr ;)

Been there, done that as well :(