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Fairytale looking for active members

Egwene al Vere

Would you like to join an active team? We have a very busy chat, and help each other as we go along with team mates from beginner to advanced covering the hours 24/7. We have a healthy trade and can help you grow. Or if you need help with fighting, we can help you there also.

Every week we do tournies, currently doing 11 chest , and spire also. We also do KP threads for AWs, and do the Fellowship Adventure too for fun and the team spirit that comes with it.

If you're into team spirit and having fun, join us now.

Egwene al Vere

Come join us on Arendyll. We would love to hear your adventure and tales of far-off lands you visited. Did you have to fight your way through or could you make a trade? Was it hard?

Come to Fairytale and we will show you how to win every time. Fairytale is looking for active members. We currently have space for one though you can apply even if full. We have a very busy chat, helping each other as we go along with team mates from beginner to advanced covering the hours 24/7. Though real life always comes first, fun is where we are.

Egwene al Vere

Did I forget to mention we're the sister team to Fabulous Fairies? And so, if you join us, you'll have first option to join our fabulous sisters and brothers when they have a space available.