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FA waypoint lock feature

Any AM or others involved in trying to shepherd players through Fellowship Adventures will understand the difficulty of preventing people placing badges on the wrong waypoints.

Not all Fellowships play the FA in a straight line, or complete every waypoint in every path of every stage, and some have players based in different time zones...

In such scenarios, try as one might - whether posting instructions via message, in Chat etc - it is virtually impossible to keep players in line with the chosen strategy (akin to "herding cats"). It is stressful (to the point of making one feel physically ill at times!) and causes friction within Fellowships (when those who stick to the instructions get annoyed with those who - for whatever reason - do not).

Imagine (if you will) the reduction in stress levels and the increase in player satisfaction and good cheer that could be achieved by adding a lock mechanism to seal off certain waypoints. It could be activated by an AM or Mage - similar to the indications provided by the "path choice" feature, but down to waypoint level.

Would such a feature be possible???? [<fx>puppy dog eyes </fx>]
Any AM or others involved in trying to shepherd players through Fellowship Adventures will understand the difficulty of preventing people placing badges on the wrong waypoints.
I feel your pain @Elfclaw the Mighty. The start of FAs is akin to throwing a live hand grenade into a bathtub full of molasses. Huge mess, lots of collateral damage, and no one to thank you for washing down the walls.

Now-a-days I just 'light the blue touch paper and retire to a safe distance'.

That last quote is from the olden days, when they allowed sensible, responsible persons to have fireworks in the safety of their own backyards. The ratbags, morons, and criminally insane minority finally put an end to that though. So players can be forgiven for not having had the privilege of igniting the 'blue touch paper' and watching the pretty sparks. Gandalf would not be pleased with our current plight.
That last quote is from the olden days, when they allowed sensible, responsible persons to have fireworks in the safety of their own backyards.
Ah yes! One of my earliest memories is of a whole bunch of fireworks going off at a family bonfire party after a spark got into the biscuit tin they were being stored in! Quite the spectacle. Love fireworks!