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I do all that and sneak in another building at work to check mine on my phone..No no! It's the first thing I do in the morning as I sip on my morning Coffee! And the last thing I check at Night! And that's in addition to the in between bits
I'm not addicted... I can stop whenever I want...
I just don't want to stop yet...
Waiting impatiently.." Taps foot "..We will make sure that your addiction needs are fulfilled For example, with the upcoming Event!
Welcome to AEPA! (Anonymous Elvenar Players Association)
I cant stop, I would go mad without it..My days would be so empty..I'm not addicted... I can stop whenever I want...
I just don't want to stop yet...
I'm not addicted. Just very, very conscientious.I'm an Elvenar addict..there I've said it :=))
Only part of your daily life @Debs21 ? I admire your restraint.Love this game and so grateful to the makers for what has become part of my daily life..
Welcome to Elvenars Anonymous Skally W. Thanks for sharing.My name is Skally W, and I am an Elvenar addict...
Step One of the Twelve Steps:My name is Skally W, and I am an Elvenar addict...