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Boudicca's Iceni is recruiting now


I read your fellowships description.
I am a warrior cat, could you please explain what you mean with:

Quote: 'Research accounts' are conditionally welcome.


I read your fellowships description.
I am a warrior cat, could you please explain what you mean with:

Quote: 'Research accounts' are conditionally welcome.
Certainly :)
Many players find themselves stuck with their first account so do open one to play in another realm. Often it is a different race so they can experiment a bit, learn the buildings esp. culture. Try other troops if they are fighters. Eventually one account becomes the primary and one the secondary. The secondary one becomes a 'research accounts. This is one example of what I mean.
Other players find different ways to accomplish the same goal. These accounts are run a little differently than a primary. We do not find such accounts offensive but do have condition for them. They must visit the other players for example.