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Bears and Phoenix

I'm constantly reminded that players who started their game recently are at a significant disadvantage in any kind of fighting - map expansion, Tournament and Spire - and with a knock-on effect on most Events. Could we please give them an opportunity to get Fire Phoenix, Brown and Polar Bears and a means to evolve them.


I too have thought this. Especially the Phoenix.
Maybe it is something that Inno could allowed to be purchased, just once say during chapter 4 only,


I agree that these are all must haves for serious tournament and spire players, and think that the best way to do would be to add a 6th crafting slot in the MA which caters to the crafting of Evolving buildings and their artifacts. The price to craft them should scale with which chapter the player is in as those players in the early chapters very rarely have large amounts of spell fragments and combining catalysts available.


They do offer Fire Phoenix bases and artefacts quite regularly. They will probably appear again around Easter time. They're also available to craft most of the time, it seems.

They did offer fully evolved Fire Phoenixes for sale at one point, but you don't even want to guess how much they were trying to sell them for.

Egwene al Vere

Lately I've seen phoenix artifacts in the MA for 10 000 spell fragments and 3 blue prints. Like you say Stephen1, its too expensive for small players to craft. They dont have that many spell fragments, and probably not even the blue prints if they're not in a team that does 10 chests. The "price" to craft these artifacts should come down.


I've seen the phoenix rotating through a lot more of late, but I'm in need of more bear artifacts and those have been sparse! I have a moonstone farm so I can craft heavily without running out of CCs or Spell Frags. I am pretty on top of my MA, but still no bears for months and months!

Egwene al Vere

Must be hibernating. Maybe we'll see bears again soon... I hope. I would love to get my polar and brown bears maxed, even artifacts for the moon bear would be nice - havent seen those around since the event in 2020.

I have a small city on the US server also and I've seen the phoenix there a lot but like I said before its unaffordable for the small players to craft. You get the MA at the end of chapter 1 and dont really gain spell fragments until you've reached chapter 3 and events requiring spell fragments are not helping either since you hardly have anything to disenchant at that stage let alone enough catalysts. They should really come up with a cheaper option so players below chapter 3 can benefit as well. Also not many teams tell you to concentrate on catalysts so small players tend to craft power of provision instead, if at all.

SkyRider99 I would like to see those witch hut artifacts too for the frogs. Perhaps they'll start appearing in the spire like the wise golem is nowadays if not in the MA. Not that this helps the small players though which is what this thread is about.

Guys we are thinking of you. We have been there too.


....so players below chapter 3 can benefit as well.
When I started, back in the mists of time, it seemed that I would never get past Chapter 3. Of course I did. And things begin to pick up a bit after that. There's slow and fast (less slow) periods throughout the game. It is certainly interesting