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Answered Balanced City


Hi, im normally fighting tournaments 1-10 and negoitiating 11-20, spires fighting first level then mostly negoitiating all of High Halls. Im starting Amuni chapter now, at tge end of the spire and tournament run im nearly out of most goods and troops ok. My question is, to run a balanced city, a bit of fighting, lots of negoitiations, what are the essential ancient wonders to fully concentrate on?


My question is, to run a balanced city, a bit of fighting, lots of negoitiations, what are the essential ancient wonders to fully concentrate on?
Your key words are, 'balanced city' @Spartus. It seems that most players have their own take on a balanced city, based on their priorities and preferred mode of play. And even this would change over time as one advances through the research chapters.

I only fight the Spire, but to get past High Halls I must have quite a few troop boost (summonings) buildings. I usually do the tournaments in a similar manner to yourself. And then I spend the remainder of the week training troops to replace the Spire slaughter, and producing goods (and orcs!!) to replenish the exorbitant catering costs of the tournament.

There a few AWs that help with troops health, etc. But for my part, they take up too much city space and would only give me a small benefit.

My favourite AWs are those that reduce the decay rate of mana (Maze of Dark Matter), divine seeds (Sunset Towers), and sentient goods (Simia Sapiens). The last one gives troop unit production bonus too.

That's just my $0.02 worth. :)
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when I did my first cities, then my balance was the opposite - I negotiated only most cheaper provinces, which cost less than 5% of the goods that I had just that moment (because negotiating is always more expensive than fighting), and fought all others


Try having two cities and have one in each hand.
Would simultaneously walking a tightrope improve the outcome?
