Just out of curiosity - Do people still enjoy winning Carting Libraries? It seems that every single event one is given out, at least for all bronze and silver players. I know that it does no harm, but does this prevent a more useful prize from appearing if there is the belief that people will love Carting Libraries?
Perhaps they are still good for people in earlier chapters, and perhaps that is where the bulk of the current player base resides, but for me it has been a long time since KP was a useful currency. Right now I have about 3,000 in the KP bar and who knows how many instants. OK, they could disappear if I was able to upgrade any more Ancient Wonders (thanks for the Royal Restoration blocker Inno), but... importantly... even if I had no KP in reserve I think it is possible to collect it much faster than it takes to gather other needed resources for AW upgrades or for completing researches. So I literally never think about KP anymore. They are just there to be given away or built up, or used on occasion.
Just had a look and I have 33 Carting Libraries in the lock up right now. And it's only that number because a couple of months ago I put out about 50 of them in my city when there was space.... just for the giggles.