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A feature that allows for easier transferral of KP,be it donation or swap.


Somewhere where you can go to do your KP swaps or donating without leaving your city.At present it's voluntary(donating)or tracked via messages in the form of a KP swap thread.


Somewhere where you can go to do your KP swaps or donating without leaving your city.At present it's voluntary(donating)or tracked via messages in the form of a KP swap thread.

What do you suggest?


Ah we have 2 systems on Forge of Empires. On the Endless Chains we put up a link to the Wonder (ooop, Great Building) so it's easy, you just click on the link and donate to the GB, 10 at a time if you want.

Also I have an icon for Great Buildings that shows all the ones where I have donations, how much I have donated and what number of donor I am. For example it says :
Alcatraz (player x) 35 FP 4th place
Tower of Babel (player y) 25 FP 8th place
The Arc (player z) 5 FP 16th place