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3 star trades


Everyone's quiet today so I thought I'd throw in a suggestion:

Whilst I think the trading ratio for two stars is reasonably good now, I wish there were a higher threshold for when a trade gets the third star added. What I mean is, I see loads of trades where they will be something like - 10,005 marble for 10,000 planks - and that's all they need to do to be assigned a three star status. I would prefer if there was a threshold, say 5% extra, that was needed. So you would need to offer 10,500 marble for 10,000 planks for it to be three stars.

Sir Derf

I was about to suggest a 5-star range, and hit a conceptual deadlock in my mind, so I thought I'd throw this out...

Which would you prefer; graded tiers centered on key values (3-star centered on 100%, like 90%-110%) of that transitioned on key values (3-star for 80%-100%)


Well as it stands, a 2 star trade has to be one precise number traded. 0, 1 and 3 star trades all have a certain leeway. 100 marble for 100 planks is 2 stars, but 101 or 99 are not.

I would want the threshold to start at 1:1, otherwise everyone would start posting slightly less than even, just because they could. So my idea is still quite a slim threshold. I would say if you're asking for 100 planks then you have to offer anything from 100-104 for it to be 2 star. 105 becomes 3 star.

It's just to stop this ridiculous thing where people can literally just add one unit to a trade of 100,000 and suddenly it's labelled as a great trade.


I often trade to round my resource numbers, and trade across tiers (I swear I'm not evil!) and so I occasionally find that the suggested trade is a 3 star because my awkward numbers are not easily rounded by the software. A broader threshold would stop this from happening, and if it was a percentage then it scales better through the levels, I'd wager.


I'll always place a 3-star for cross-trades when I feel I have to place them. I don't calculate to the last drop, but it's usually between 3% and 6%. Basically I place a trade that I would like to accept if I was on the receiving end.
The danger of being too generous is that the zero-star bandits will then swoop in and steal my goods from the respectable Elvenari that I'm trying to help.