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12 New members needed for Neart. Or a small group merge.


Hello all you small fellowships out there , need 13 active members .?..Drop me or our Archmage Philpus a line. We have a lot of places for daily players..We have 13 active members who alone can achieve the 10 chests in the tournament and silver in the spire each week. If your looking to become a close knit fellowship then look no further you have found us..Give us a try..You wont be disappointed..
Message either our Archmage Phlipus or myself Debs21..Active a couple of times a day..
Happy gaming :=))
Come and be part of a great bunch of people ..You wont regret it if you do..
We could be looking for the same thing? I have 10/12 active and regular members. Up until 3/4 months ago and for no reason it all went a bit tits up lol happy to talk x
Rage of the mages (merge) F