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Answered 10 x Tournament chests


can anybody tell me how many resources i would need to do a 10 chest tournament with only negotiations?
i know its going to be a lot, just want an approximation. :eek:


Master of the Elements
Yeah you might need to clarify that a little bit.

To open 10 chests needs 40,000 tournament points. You wouldn't get that by yourself. If you have 25 people in your fellowship then it means getting 1,600 points each. In order to get 1,600 wouldn't take a massive amount of goods. The question is still impossible to answer, though, because the amount (and type) of goods required changes depending on what stage you are at and what your squad size is.


im not sure the question needs clarification...whether its by myself or with the fellowship, its still going to take a large amount of resources, i just want a guesstimate...1million 2 million?!?
im sure someone might have just done negotiations for a tournament, if not then i shall have to figure it out myself.:)


i could but i generally negotiate provinces as i always seem to get my bottom whipped in battle.:oops::D


Master of the Elements
Also... as I said... the goods requirement for catering varies wildly depending on your position in the game and the squad size so there's no way to even guesstimate. I could give you a guessed figure based on 25 people who are in my exact position, but there is no chance that it could be right.

Opening 10 chests is a team pursuit so it can only depend on the 25 people you have. If you take the advice of needing to score 1,600 points each then it will only take you two or three tries before you have a good idea. As Lelanya says, plan to go 6 rounds of 6 provinces or 5 rounds of 8 provinces.


So, here we are, September 2018.

Has anyone got any suggestions on how a reasonably active (and Boosted Goods balanced) Fellowship should go about hitting on the door of 9-10 chests per Tournament. There have been various 'little' help replies in the forum but nothing as far as a compendium (or Strategy Guide) (that I have seen!) of the things you must have (or strive to getting) such as e.g. 100+ squads of each of the 5 base troops (plus early on The Dogs ;-) ) , a rolling minimum of the Tournament Goods (e.g. Marble Tournament - Marble, Crystal, Elixir) and the approach of 5 Rounds of 8 Provinces with a mixture of fighting and catering.

The biggest Hurdle I (we) have is how many provinces to hit per round. I have tended to temper myself to 8 provinces (unless towards the Friday evening I NEED Enchantments from the first Round in Provinces 9-15 and KPs in Round 2 again Provinces 10-15). This usually sees me through to Round 3 or 4 but I either run out of Goods or Troops. As stated, I try to fight some battles when the 'fit' is there for either the Key Troop, secondary troop or backup troop to send all 5 of one type in. In Marble this would be Priests, Mortars or Crossbowmen. It is rare I do a Manual Fight (too time consuming and seemingly steep learning curve ??).

Any help or direction or links appreciated....



Prepare a mix of troops and goods because you never know if you will have enough time to fight. 6x6 or 8x4 will do. Everyone ought to score 1600 each. Aim for 2500 if you are able tho b/c players' abilities vary.
There are two approaches to troop training and they depend on how often you are to be on. Either target your armory levels to be ready every 3 hours or every 9 hours. If you are using the 3 hour option train auxiliary troops overnight (cerebus or strategists; blossom mages). Build up right across the board. Each tourney varies slightly in terms of troop mix so actually you are more flexible to build the 4 recommended troops. Best of luck


Prepare a mix of troops and goods because you never know if you will have enough time to fight. 6x6 or 8x4 will do. Everyone ought to score 1600 each. Aim for 2500 if you are able tho b/c players' abilities vary.
There are two approaches to troop training and they depend on how often you are to be on. Either target your armory levels to be ready every 3 hours or every 9 hours. If you are using the 3 hour option train auxiliary troops overnight (cerebus or strategists; blossom mages). Build up right across the board. Each tourney varies slightly in terms of troop mix so actually you are more flexible to build the 4 recommended troops. Best of luck

Many thanks, yes..I forgot to ask but by inference it seems that an upgraded suite of 3-4 Armories and consistently upgraded Barracks as against the Squad upgrades of the Research menu should approximate 3 hours.?? For 9 hours then 10 Armories would seem a necessity ??


Prepare a mix of troops and goods because you never know if you will have enough time to fight. 6x6 or 8x4 will do. Everyone ought to score 1600 each. Aim for 2500 if you are able tho b/c players' abilities vary.
There are two approaches to troop training and they depend on how often you are to be on. Either target your armory levels to be ready every 3 hours or every 9 hours. If you are using the 3 hour option train auxiliary troops overnight (cerebus or strategists; blossom mages). Build up right across the board. Each tourney varies slightly in terms of troop mix so actually you are more flexible to build the 4 recommended troops. Best of luck

So how many squads should you realistically be going in with at say a mid level Fairies (Chapter 7)...is there any Rule of Thumb ??


Master of the Elements
I have 4 armouries, two of which are upgraded about half as far as the others and my barracks runs for about 10 hours at a time. There are a lot of factors.


I have 4 armouries, two of which are upgraded about half as far as the others and my barracks runs for about 10 hours at a time. There are a lot of factors.

So if length of queue is determined by Armories (which extends the Run time) and speed of production is determined by Barracks (and AWs such as Needles) am I to presume your Barracks are not upgraded very far....CONFUSED ????


im not sure the question needs clarification...whether its by myself or with the fellowship, its still going to take a large amount of resources, i just want a guesstimate...1million 2 million?!?
im sure someone might have just done negotiations for a tournament, if not then i shall have to figure it out myself.:)
I would like to point out that achieving 10 chests as a fellowship of one is impossible .


anything is possible with about 10,000,000,000 diamonds ;):D

(no im not going to buy them diamonds...just cant say its impossible):)