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Prepare a mix of troops and goods because you never know if you will have enough time to fight. 6x6 or 8x4 will do. Everyone ought to score 1600 each. Aim for 2500 if you are able tho b/c players' abilities vary.
There are two approaches to troop training and they depend on how often you are to be on. Either target your armory levels to be ready every 3 hours or every 9 hours. If you are using the 3 hour option train auxiliary troops overnight (cerebus or strategists; blossom mages). Build up right across the board. Each tourney varies slightly in terms of troop mix so actually you are more flexible to build the 4 recommended troops. Best of luck
Prepare a mix of troops and goods because you never know if you will have enough time to fight. 6x6 or 8x4 will do. Everyone ought to score 1600 each. Aim for 2500 if you are able tho b/c players' abilities vary.
There are two approaches to troop training and they depend on how often you are to be on. Either target your armory levels to be ready every 3 hours or every 9 hours. If you are using the 3 hour option train auxiliary troops overnight (cerebus or strategists; blossom mages). Build up right across the board. Each tourney varies slightly in terms of troop mix so actually you are more flexible to build the 4 recommended troops. Best of luck
I have 4 armouries, two of which are upgraded about half as far as the others and my barracks runs for about 10 hours at a time. There are a lot of factors.
ThanksPauly I put some points on your Needles
I would like to point out that achieving 10 chests as a fellowship of one is impossible .im not sure the question needs clarification...whether its by myself or with the fellowship, its still going to take a large amount of resources, i just want a guesstimate...1million 2 million?!?
im sure someone might have just done negotiations for a tournament, if not then i shall have to figure it out myself.