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Search results

  1. Beta Fellowship Adventures

    The scalable side of this makes no sense at all. Everybody gets the same random number of spell fragments in the spire. Everybody gets the same number of spell fragments from other sources in the game.
  2. Stars in your Eyes - Sept 2024 Competition!

    Let me guess, gremlin skies. I have not checked yet, as that will happen later, but assuming at this point in time I will have more success looking at the skies of the Northern Hemisphere.
  3. Fellowship Adventure

    Thanks Lelanya. Are we playing version H. as I see 766k for a chapter 5 city? I play on app, so some of my other cities have minor rounding differences.
  4. Fellowship Adventure

    I noticed a reduction in coin bag requirements, but not sure how new it is. I am now looking for the values for all the chapters.
  5. Easy to implement, but impactful changes

    We have always had the swords indicators. See the following images. Apple version. What would be nice though, is to see the name of the attacking enemy. References are made on forums etc about watching out for certain enemies, but the info is meaningless if you can’t see it when looking at...
  6. Question Spire start and finish times in the UK, please

    Mmm, this is an interesting one. My time zones never change as we don’t have daylight saving time. Spire times have always been constant, although some other events do change relatively for me as it runs with whatever is happening in Germany. My spire starts at GMT 3 pm and ends at GMT 9 pm...
  7. Verdant phoenix

    I did not complete as quickly as some of you. Only managed to get to extra rewards with 3 days to go. Guess I need the insurance as I do have a city I did not feed it and in that city I won’t hit the 50 mark.
  8. Message from the Product Owner - Discord

    Am I missing something, what on earth is wrong with hoarding? I absolutely love having lots of many resources, especially time instants, and diamonds, and magic houses, and genies… and …. and …. I don’t want to struggle the day I do want to use whatever resource I need at that point, like...
  9. Chronicles of a 6x4 city grid

    I love it when someone does something like this. Chase the unconventional etc. Well done, Pauly7!
  10. Buzzing Spring event (from Discord)

    O wait, we must practice another part of this game … patience. One of the days I am not even going to open anything on the board.
  11. Answered Coldfire Phoenix

    I think the benefits of Coldfire across the chapters make it sometimes a useful placement and other times a bit meh. I have it placed in one of my cities as a must have, but in others not. As always, compare with what other buildings you have, what you need and what you have space for.
  12. You knew it was coming....

    Wonder Society badges in FA may also become an issue if there are few AWs one can add kp to, due to it not being upgraded as a result of cost.
  13. Answered Witch's hut, boblin's and others worth keeping at lower levels?

    The cauldron stars need to be upgraded over time. Please note, nothing fast about this item. At low level chapters you do not get enough resources to get a potion every time. The best way is to do a potion with one ingredient, so you can get to the learning phase where you can upgrade the...
  14. Official Discord server arrives September 11th 2023!

    I hope you guys are ready for a mad house, lol. My experience with Discord on other games with a huge huge player base, is that it is sometimes a bit overwhelming. It does have its positive side, but so does this forum. Might just be me, but the things I find easier on the forum is to search...
  15. Dog Poo ???

    We also have feline aromatherapy. I would shorten that to cat spray. Stinky, real stinky …
  16. FA the pit

    The strategy for the pit is to make equal numbers of everything. Some players actively chase that goal. They will use whatever resources the game gives them to achieve this.
  17. Question What's up with the sales department?

    Something that I noticed was that it was more than 24 hrs whereas the previous ones were strictly 24hrs from logging in.
  18. Alphabetic Topiary

    Sounds like someone wants little trees you can place across the city. Possible purpose of beautifying. Secondary possible purpose of spelling out a message?
  19. Happy Eighth Anniversary, Elvenar!

    Was those anagram answers really in that order as Anonglitch showed us? lolol