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Search results

  1. All Around The Cauldron recruiting

    We are in Arendyll, EN1 server, looking for an active daily member 120k who is appreciates that tourney and spire give the best rewards and FA is a relaxed event. Ideally you will have Marble/Silk/Elixir as at least 2 of your boosts, We achieve 8/9 chests in tourney and are looking to make 10...
  2. Version 1.150

    Still happening in Ary and Fely on pc and mobile app.
  3. Question mobile app closes unexpectedly V.1.146

    I am suffering with random app closures. I have iphone 7+ and have deleted, re-installed latest version and rebooted phone but this is still happening. Any ideas?
  4. Penalise prolonged unfair trades

    Your reply is very generic, unfair trades create discontent and the suggestions I make encourage a fair trading society that enhances the game, please reconsider this very outdated response. I, as an an advanced player with many others have spent a considerable amount over 3 or more years and a...
  5. Penalise prolonged unfair trades

    I am level 15 and getting exasperated at the long outstanding number of unfair trades on sentient goods. There is a good reason for allowing them, to let FS members take priority and help new small members, and unfair trades have their place, but the good reasons for this are time limited as fs...