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Search results

  1. Beggars Banquet - Recruiting

    Once again have purged inactive cities and have many vacancies. I don't discourage people that have been away and came back for another attempt at the game, still I have never been the most outgoing person and feel that you do need your own motivation to pass time on this game. Some of our...
  2. Beggars Banquet - Recruiting

    Time flies apparently, Currently looking close to full, yet our help site and other indicators say we have many sleeping or haven't become obsessed with the game. What we can offer; knowledge sharing perk at level 10, Tournament Archive today holding capacity 10,000 points, Advanced Help level...
  3. Beggars Banquet - Recruiting

    New Management, Currently, a number of vacancies exist. Some of our members are highly experienced players. Like many fellowships we looking for players that want more than a place to park, a city.