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Search results

  1. Spire rewards

    I am short of a Moonstone Gate. I would like to see one available in the spire or at least to craft.
  2. Crafting Opportunities

    @anonblitch - Thank you for forwarding my thread to the devs. Been giving this some more thought. Would suggest that an easy, fair, constructive solution would be just to change, for a limited period of say 2 to 3 weeks, the status of our non-usable artifacts (except for current quest) into...
  3. Crafting Opportunities

    Thanks for the constructive replies. These comments are to address the view of Dev's as expressed by @Vanquish. I am of the opinion that, if this is the true position of the wish by the Dev's, it is un-tenable. ALL artifacts are only gained after time and effort by the PLAYERS. Therefore...
  4. Spells Ability to craft the teleport spell

    I agree to this being left alone. I do not see the need for it.
  5. Crafting Opportunities

    What is the chance of us being given the opportunity, in crafting, to exchange our dormant stock artifacts from past single specialist events like Stonehenge, May Tree, Wise Golem, Gingerbread Mansion etc into usable Bear or Phoenix ones. It seems a waste, after all the time and effort taken in...
  6. Team-Commitment has 2 vacancies

    UPDATE; We are still looking for 2 strong actives to help us achieve our progress objectives. If interested please message me Master Arthur.Thank you. Stay Safe.
  7. Team-Commitment has 2 vacancies

    This all active, friendly, no mandatory rules, no pressure TEAM is currently looking for 2 strong to very strong daily actives to help us to continue our rapid progress up the league table and to achieve its TEAM OBJECTIVES. Currently we get 10 chests and a silver medal every-week. We have...
  8. Team-Commitment

    Sorry. Forgot to say that we play in Arendyll.
  9. Team-Commitment

    This all active, virtually every one a daily and all events participation, friendly, very successful, NO PRESSURE TEAM seeks 2 new members. Ideally over 500K to help so go back into a top 20 league position. Currently we get 10 chests and a Spire Silver Medal every week and always complete the...
  10. Answered Silly Soap

    TO INNO; You can close this thread. Thank You.
  11. Answered Silly Soap

    I agree @Timneh. I believe the un-balanced supply chain situation comes from too much loading of any one product in any one chapter.
  12. Answered Silly Soap

    I put up 3 star trades for silly soap @Wowwie but so do a very large number of other players. With around 2000 trades for Sentinent goods and 95% of these for the same product you can see the problem and the reason that I posted this thread. Thanks for your answers.
  13. Answered Silly Soap

    In Arendyll, at least, we have an acute supply/demand problem for Silly Soap. At least 95% of the trade requests are for this. I for one, am having to build non-boosted Elixir manufacturing units, using magical manufacturing and feeding my storm phoenix in order to produce these in an attempt to...
  14. A game should be fun ... this has become just a chore.

    @Timneh. New players that have not worked hard on their city?? Really. Whilst I agree that the tournament is harder for ALL players, with regard to the very high loss of troops, with the need to train these both for Spire and the tournaments. Maybe Inno will help be enabling troops to be...
  15. A game should be fun ... this has become just a chore.

    For one, I do not understand the reasons behind all the bad press this game is receiving within this thread. Yes, the tournament is a different challenge but we have achieved 10 chests ever since the new format came into effect. We only achieved this previously when we had push tournament...
  16. Discussion Fellowship Adventures - May Contain Beta Spoilers!!!

    Yes @Julian. The Adventures are due for an overhaul but please no 4th map/stage and would suggest your suggested prizes would not make the event any more attractive then it is now.
  17. A game should be fun ... this has become just a chore.

    I Agree with @Gramps. The FA prizes are so un-inspiring that the event will go down in Elvenar folk-lore as "NOT WORTH PLAYING" see my post made today in the thread Fellowship Adventures with a twist.
  18. Discussion Fellowship Adventures - May Contain Beta Spoilers!!!

    My Fellowship has just, yet again, completed this event. Whilst the level of the challenge is acceptable, our chat is full of the comments that relate to the prizes being RUBBISH/UN-INSPIRING/ plus OTHERS that are not repeatable. The prize of an level upgrade for the last event for Phase 2 was...
  19. Need changes to Spire prizes

    Yes Pauly 7 .Fire Phoenix sorry
  20. Need changes to Spire prizes

    Our fellowship loves the Spire. Please do not change anything. The only down side is that I and many of our team do not have Storm Phoenix at level 10 so it is fairly difficult to fight our way to the top. We are only a middle strength FS but we are very happy every week to get our Silver Medal...