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Search results

  1. Serenity

    Answered What is max number of Merchants?

    From player point of view (me) I have noticed how fast are same tier trades taken on the server where I play, with a little exception now that everyone is looking for Wonder Wax. So I think you might not get the chance to see them :(
  2. Serenity

    Answered What is max number of Merchants?

    It doesn't affect him in any, he got the goods when ordered the Merchant.
  3. Serenity

    Thought for the Day!

    From me, I have started singing Christmas carrols ;)
  4. Serenity

    Thought for the Day!

  5. Serenity

    Today's Song

    Oh Lenny! Where is that heart emoticon? ;)
  6. Serenity

    3-word game

    the upcoming flood
  7. Serenity

    Easy to implement, but impactful changes

    I want a piece also ;)
  8. Serenity

    Chronicles of a 6x4 city grid

    Lovely experiment, thank you for sharing! If I remember correctly there is one player on the RU Server with a city similar size parked in Chapter 15 that went fully military.
  9. Serenity

    Season of Joy

    It looks beyond adorable :D
  10. Serenity

    Today's Song

    Very sorry for your huge loss, may he rest in peace! :(
  11. Serenity

    3-word game

    and dirty like
  12. Serenity

    Today's Song

  13. Serenity

    3-word game

    fooling around like
  14. Serenity

    Today's Song

  15. Serenity

    Today's Song

  16. Serenity

    Today's Song

  17. Serenity

    Answered Chapter VII - Can't update main hall to Fairy Style

    Make sure your Portal is level 2 in order to be able to collect Night Essence and Ambrosia.
  18. Serenity

    Today's Song
