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Search results

  1. Aerlinniel

    Answered Apple login on Laptop?

    Thanks so much Silmaril. You are a fountain of Elvenar knowledge : )
  2. Aerlinniel

    Answered Change Race Human to Elf?

    Oh that's wonderful. Thanks Silmaril : )
  3. Aerlinniel

    Answered Change Race Human to Elf?

    Julian, that would be wonderful! : )
  4. Aerlinniel

    Answered Change Race Human to Elf?

    Hi Everyone I love being an Elf and have set up two cities as a human, which I don't like being LOL. it is probably extreme wishful thinking, but is there any way to change your race please? Thanks Aerlinniel
  5. Aerlinniel

    Answered Apple login on Laptop?

    Hi Everyone I have 6 cities. 1 in each world accessed via Facebook Login and 1 in each world accessed my iPad. I want to access my cities that I set up under Apple login on my non-Apple laptop. I am wondering if this is possible please. Thank you Aerlinniel
  6. Aerlinniel

    More activity for new players

    Hi Rock Stream In my fellowship, I am the smallest city holder, so everyone helps me out with giving me very generous deals on traded goods. It helps me grow and therefore I contribute more. I also Feel so welcome and part of a big family : )
  7. Aerlinniel

    Looking for New Fellowship

    Hi Again I have had a few kind offers and I have found a new fellowship. Thanks so much to all the lovely Elves who have helped me : ) Aerlinniel
  8. Aerlinniel

    Active Elf Level 3 Requires new Fellowship

    Hi Again I have had a few kind offers and I have found a new fellowship. Thanks so much to all the lovely Elves who have helped me : ) Aerlinniel
  9. Aerlinniel

    More activity for new players

    Thanks so much @Pauly7 I have placed a message in that section, so hopefully someone will invite me Into their fellowship. I have found some of the information here to be really helpful and I am so pleased that there are some players here ready and willing to give advice to novices like myself...
  10. Aerlinniel

    More activity for new players

    These are all very interesting comments from very experienced players. I have only been playing for 5 weeks and joined a fellowship immediately. I play from my iPad, and indeed after you have joined a fellowship, the top 50 are the only fellowships are available to look at. You can also look up...
  11. Aerlinniel

    Looking for New Fellowship

    Hello I have been playing for only 5 weeks, I love Elvenar. I already have 8157 points. I play every day. In my latest tournament I have 624 points. Unfortunately I am in a fellowship, where I am the highest scorer and no one really interacts or helps each other, so I am looking for a new...
  12. Aerlinniel

    Active Elf Level 3 Requires new Fellowship

    Hello I have been playing for only 5 weeks, I love Elvenar. I already have 8157 points. I play every day. In my latest tournament I have 624 points. Unfortunately I am in a fellowship, where I am the highest scorer and no one really interacts or helps each other, so I am looking for a new...