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Search results

  1. Zodiac for early chapter players

    Thank you all for participation in discussion. I believe developers try to make us use different game options just not to forget they are. But beta players dont have 1 thing they dont "live" in their city. So to loose all you have is ok. Which gives real players a different sad feeling. That is...
  2. Zodiac for early chapter players

    Thank you for your good advise! When other players. completed 35 task, i dont feel good stuck on 12. I want to finish up evolution of the pet and that forces me to hurry. Other tasks might be hard too. Or need time. And there was a good reward of the day. I wanted keys too.
  3. Zodiac for early chapter players

    Dear developers! I thank you much and much and much for the great game you created and generous events that keep people happy! I am in fifth chapter now. Previous event of harmony made me sell most of my rewards to complete tasks for catalysts and spell fragments. Which was sad. Now i dont have...
  4. Ideas for new FAs pet races.

    That was my bad English. I mean pet :big grin human:e:grin elf:
  5. Ideas for new FAs pet races.

    As we are going to have more pets, what about pat races? We get pets of different abilities. Speed, stamina, cleverness, vivid-ness? Which give different pats different running speed and duration, walking speed, time of recover, obstacle jump over. AT start they all are in general counting the...
  6. Ideas for differenet FAs summits

    Another good adventure is Scientific Sumit. We can form teams up to 3 people or go alone as we are pleased. I suggest to set foolish and funny topics for debating. Was the phoenix first or its egg? Is pegasus a bird or an animal? Should Cerberus have 1 or 2 voices at general leader elections...
  7. Ideas of different FAs

    God created molecules, but we all breath the air. There are so many fun events used in numerous other games. There are games which keep players exactly by fun events. I will use as example Kings choice, but so many others have the same content. 1. Merchants FA. There are around 5 different...