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Season of Joy

Silly Bubbles

Or maybe don't see it as complaining, but feedback, albeit negative. That's what this forum is for! We don't have to accept and welcome every change to the game if we don't enjoy it. They even invite us to give feedback, so that's what we do. Don't shoot the messenger ;)

I do think we definitely disagree on the definition of 'good things' ;) But to each their own :) Have fun with this Season!

Whatever you want to call it, we are all allowed to do it as you said it is a public Forum. Sorry, that I don't think the same way as you do, it is still as valid as yours.


Todays daily quests include simple tools and loaves of bread, normal gameplay, I don't need to say more. ...---...


So far this season has been a pain.
And today
Collect unurium
Collect seeds
I can do one or the other
Come on INNO, Use a little Common Sense!


Todays daily quests include simple tools and loaves of bread, normal gameplay, I don't need to say more. ...---...
I've got 8x advanced tools and 4x baskets of groceries.
I have two workshops and wanted to see how long it took before I needed to build some extra level 1 workshops for quests.
It seems not very long :)


The Seasons replaced the cyclable Quests, which I ignored for years. When I get a daily quest asking for beverages, simple tools, bread or anything else I simply wait for the next day. So far, I managed to skip the weekly quests that I didn't want to fulfill, but I fully expect to be blocked at some point.

Since I got nothing out of the previous system, the Seasons are still an improvement to me.



How can i do second quest? We have 7 days in week, actually 6 left and there is needed to solve 8 quests. we get only one of them in every day :(


View attachment 7354

How can i do second quest? We have 7 days in week, actually 6 left and there is needed to solve 8 quests. we get only one of them in every day :(
I'm in the same boat.
I am wondering though if collecting the daily login reward counts as a quest. If it doesn't, then this quest is impossible for anyone who has reached the one-per-day stage.


let's see, but today's login counted on daily quest, but nothing to see on weekly
It would be a reasonable quest in the first few days of the event but thereafter........ no.


How can i do second quest? We have 7 days in week, actually 6 left and there is needed to solve 8 quests. we get only one of them in every day
You have 2 refresh, if you use the refresh button you can discard it and get a different one :)


I know, but still annoying and all quests should be doable, what´s the point otherwise :)
and there may come something worse if login counts, so I will look first can I do 2 tomorrow :)


all quests should be doable
One can refresh it away but if a different quest gets refreshed as well there's a risk RNG presents you with the 8 event quests again :D

Sir Derf

Queue? Are you saying if I don't complete a weekly quest by the end of the week, it stays visible, I get four new weekly quests, of which 3 will be shown, and the fourth will be made visible when I clear one of the four visible slots?

If so, how deep is the queue? So, I f I don't do weekly quests from the beginning, I wait 10 weeks, there will be 44 quests available, of which 4 are visible, and additional ones will keep showing up as I blitz complete them?

I thought both types of uncompleted quests disappear when the time is up, to be replaced with four fresh new quests.

Sir Derf

Any bets on whether INNO built in the logic to prevent this quest from coming at the start of a week when there are less than 8 days left in the event?


I thought both types of uncompleted quests disappear when the time is up, to be replaced with four fresh new quests.
@m4rt1n is correct now that I think about it. The uncompleted dailys disappear but the weeklys queue/stack so at the end of the week the unfinished ones stay there and you get 4 more.
No idea what the sort order is though, I guess we'll find out next week when this pesky quest rolls over.


View attachment 7354

How can i do second quest? We have 7 days in week, actually 6 left and there is needed to solve 8 quests. we get only one of them in every day :(
I think typically INNO doesn't expect people to blow through the quests so quickly to reach the 1 a day quests......but fingers crossed, if you refresh, you might come up with something more doable, or not, it's a gamble

Sir Derf

Duh... Looking deeper, there are multiple signs, implications, and outright explicit statements describing the expire-and-replace Daily vs. remain-and-gain Weekly Quests.


1) Despite the wording differences, the Quests in Queue counter, the completed Weekly Quests counter (mine currently showing 16/16), and the various explicit statements in the Help and Info screens, the visual appearance of the Daily vs. Weekly Quests looks the same. An inset panel completely filled with 4 Quest tiles. There is nothing in the visual presentation to show that the Daily is limited to 4 at a time while the Weekly could have more than 4.

I think this should be changed.

Let the Daily Quests view show 4 quests, either active or "Quest Finished!" Visual implication - you have four and that's it.

Let the weekly quests start off with a scroll bar to show tiles for all the weekly quests. Visual implication, there are more than 4. Tiles could be labeled "Locked, unlocking in xx:xx", "Inactive, complete other quests to activate", "Active" and "Finished".

@Herodite I suggest this interface change be suggested to the developers.

2) While there are both explicit descriptions if you click on various Help or Info buttons, and there are other implications in the differences in wordings and graphical elements, there are also various places where there are no mentions of the differences where one might reasonably expect them.

Neither the announcements in the forum for either Season of Dreams or Season of Joy explain or even imply this difference, nor is there any mention or reference to this difference in the Wiki.

@anonglitch @Herodite, I suggest modifications to both future announcements and to the Wiki be made to add these descriptions.


Let the weekly quests start off with a scroll bar to show tiles for all the weekly quests. Visual implication, there are more than 4.
Similar concept to the rewards bar.


Forum mod extraordinaire
Elvenar Team
Duh... Looking deeper, there are multiple signs, implications, and outright explicit statements describing the expire-and-replace Daily vs. remain-and-gain Weekly Quests.


1) Despite the wording differences, the Quests in Queue counter, the completed Weekly Quests counter (mine currently showing 16/16), and the various explicit statements in the Help and Info screens, the visual appearance of the Daily vs. Weekly Quests looks the same. An inset panel completely filled with 4 Quest tiles. There is nothing in the visual presentation to show that the Daily is limited to 4 at a time while the Weekly could have more than 4.

I think this should be changed.

Let the Daily Quests view show 4 quests, either active or "Quest Finished!" Visual implication - you have four and that's it.

Let the weekly quests start off with a scroll bar to show tiles for all the weekly quests. Visual implication, there are more than 4. Tiles could be labeled "Locked, unlocking in xx:xx", "Inactive, complete other quests to activate", "Active" and "Finished".

@Herodite I suggest this interface change be suggested to the developers.

2) While there are both explicit descriptions if you click on various Help or Info buttons, and there are other implications in the differences in wordings and graphical elements, there are also various places where there are no mentions of the differences where one might reasonably expect them.

Neither the announcements in the forum for either Season of Dreams or Season of Joy explain or even imply this difference, nor is there any mention or reference to this difference in the Wiki.

@anonglitch @Herodite, I suggest modifications to both future announcements and to the Wiki be made to add these descriptions.

All fed back my dear!! :D