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Mama Juul's Fusion Feast


This is just an assumption at this moment. Because there's a delete button on the recipe, it's very likely that the recipes don't refresh. If they did refresh there would be no need for a delete button. It's up to you whether you want to risk it.
I took the chance and am relieved that I could have perfect lime dessert for breakfast :)
So partial or completed recipes do remain there.


Last event I made a post about quests that force you to finish provinces and do scouting, which is effectively bad for players as this counts negatively towards our tournament and spire difficulty.
It will only affect Spire and tournament if you actually place the expansions you gain by doing this. Scouting/completing provinces in itself has no effect.

The bigger disadvantage is to persuade newer players to overscout, so that they hit the orc wall and then can't go any further.

The main problem for late game players is the frequency with which these quests appear. I used to be able to keep a few scouted provinces for these quests, but now I'm starting to run out, and with a 5 day scout time (longer for some) it's hard to keep up.


Does the number in the top left corner of each recipe represent the number of moves per completed recipe?


Hi @Killiak is that Quest asking for both of those tasks to be completed to move forward?

Kind Regards


Somebody else answered already, but the answer is "Yes"
Not too long afteyr, I got a quest that told me to negotiate OR fight province encounters.

Look, I don't want to act out too negatively here, but we have had these discussions about scouting, completion and forced province encounters for YEARS, and the Devs finally acknowledged that they were bad for us and changed to this multi-option quest system. That was a fantastic choice, and the praise they got was well deserved.

However, to see that this is forgotten and/or another choice being made; really not so great, and I am currently really understating my feelings on it.

Silly Bubbles

Somebody else answered already, but the answer is "Yes"
Not too long afteyr, I got a quest that told me to negotiate OR fight province encounters.

Look, I don't want to act out too negatively here, but we have had these discussions about scouting, completion and forced province encounters for YEARS, and the Devs finally acknowledged that they were bad for us and changed to this multi-option quest system. That was a fantastic choice, and the praise they got was well deserved.

However, to see that this is forgotten and/or another choice being made; really not so great, and I am currently really understating my feelings on it.

This is how I see it and it's just my personal opinion. These quests are the easiest ones for me. I don't do any provinces outside of event quests. I do constantly keep scouting and it takes over 4 days. I did get the worst of the "Scout 1 province or Research one technology" last event
but it wasn't that bad to have a four day break. I still managed to even get the portrait. So these quests don't really bother me much. I play this game because it provides entertainment, if I finished everything in couple of days, I'd get bored for rest of the event so I'm quite fine with quests being spread over the event and having some quests that are harder to do.

Also, the quests in this event ask for 13 encounters all up without an alternative (not double checked so please correct me if I'm wrong), that's not even 2 provinces so scouting only once per fortnight to cover once a month event should not be a problem for anyone.


Does the number in the top left corner of each recipe represent the number of moves per completed recipe?
Yes, it's the number of people that will shuffle into the restaurant :)


This is how I see it and it's just my personal opinion. These quests are the easiest ones for me. I don't do any provinces outside of event quests. I do constantly keep scouting and it takes over 4 days. I did get the worst of the "Scout 1 province or Research one technology" last event
but it wasn't that bad to have a four day break. I still managed to even get the portrait. So these quests don't really bother me much. I play this game because it provides entertainment, if I finished everything in couple of days, I'd get bored for rest of the event so I'm quite fine with quests being spread over the event and having some quests that are harder to do.

Also, the quests in this event ask for 13 encounters all up without an alternative (not double checked so please correct me if I'm wrong), that's not even 2 provinces so scouting only once per fortnight to cover once a month event should not be a problem for anyone.

That these quests are 'not being a problem for anyone' to complete is not the point of the discussion. It's also not about whether people can complete the quests quickly or within a few days. It's also not about entertainment, personal or in general

It is, however, about the long term effects these type of quests have on anybody's game. If we have these type of quests every event, or popping up a bunch in Seasonal quests for example, the effect will eventually stack up.

It is also about how we have had this discussion with Inno before, where the continued effort of a majority of the vocal community eventually lead to them agreeing with us and altering the system to make these type of quests optional / to provide an alternative. These type of quests now becoming more commonplace without an alternative, goes against that.
As long as Inno provides alternatives to these type of quest goals, I am utterly fine with it, and you can keep on doing whatever is easiest for you.


As long as Inno provides alternatives to these type of quest goals
I can't say I've ever been significantly stuck with quests but I would like to add my voice to this concern.
Any quest that has a "difficult for late chapter but easy for early chapter" should have the opposite as an "OR" option. Easy for late chapter, difficult for early.


Somebody else answered already, but the answer is "Yes"
Not too long afteyr, I got a quest that told me to negotiate OR fight province encounters.

Look, I don't want to act out too negatively here, but we have had these discussions about scouting, completion and forced province encounters for YEARS, and the Devs finally acknowledged that they were bad for us and changed to this multi-option quest system. That was a fantastic choice, and the praise they got was well deserved.

However, to see that this is forgotten and/or another choice being made; really not so great, and I am currently really understating my feelings on it.
I agree.
Quest 6: Collect 8 relics AND finish 1 province
Quest 7: Solve encounters on the world map (3 by fighting or 3 by negotating)
Quest 24: Solve encounters on the world map (5 by fighting or 2 by negotiating)

These 3 quests should definitely get an OR option. And preferably not "complete a technology", like in last event, because if you're at the end of the chapters, that still forces you to work on the world map.


So partial or completed recipes do remain there.
Odd, I was sure I lost one recipe in Beta.
@Alcaro, now you've got me thinking.....
I had the bottom recipe complete and the middle one 2/3 if I remember correctly. This morning I had the same but it's possible that the recipes refreshed and I happened to have the dishes available to complete the new recipes in the same position. I didn't check the ingredients themselves, just the state of completion.
Back to the drawing board, going to screenshot tonight and check tomorrow.

Silly Bubbles

It is, however, about the long term effects these type of quests have on anybody's game. If we have these type of quests every event, or popping up a bunch in Seasonal quests for example, the effect will eventually stack up.

There are no serious long term effects that I can see, there are some minor good and bad effects. Still the game doesn't push us to do anything extreme. Also, don't forget that only Inno knows the long term effects and they can change anything they want.

It is also about how we have had this discussion with Inno before, where the continued effort of a majority of the vocal community eventually lead to them agreeing with us and altering the system to make these type of quests optional / to provide an alternative. These type of quests now becoming more commonplace without an alternative, goes against that.

If the majority of a very small vocal group always got what they wanted, the game would be destroyed based on what I've seen. The game would be too simple, too easy, finished in couple of weeks, wouldn't make any money etc. I'd be careful what I wish for.


Can you tell me what Flavor Loot is/does? Thanks!
And "Please Sir I want some more?" Oliver Twist.


Can you tell me what Flavor Loot is/does? Thanks!
And "Please Sir I want some more?" Oliver Twist.
The flavoured loot gives a chance of winning extra chef hats or a level 5 or 6 ingredient, I think that's it.


The flavoured loot gives a chance of winning extra chef hats or a level 5 or 6 ingredient, I think that's i
Thank you BeautifulYoungLady.


There are no serious long term effects that I can see, there are some minor good and bad effects. Still the game doesn't push us to do anything extreme. Also, don't forget that only Inno knows the long term effects and they can change anything they want.

If the majority of a very small vocal group always got what they wanted, the game would be destroyed based on what I've seen. The game would be too simple, too easy, finished in couple of weeks, wouldn't make any money etc. I'd be careful what I wish for.

No, we know quite precisely what the long term effects are, due to the workof MinMax on the formula of expansions, scouting, research etc. Effectively, anything that forces province completion beyond chapter requirements is bad for any player's spire and tournament performance.

Just because you can't see it, or do not know it, does not mean it doesn't exist.

Your further strawman argument is irrelevant, and I don't see a need to reply to that any further than this.


Has anyone noticed if the chef's hats around your city are giving more than 1 in value.......I have a fellow who seems to be only receiving 1 point on every chef hat he's picked up?