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Unofficial Guinness Elvenar Record #5 - Inventory Stack

Sir Derf

Who has the largest quantity of a single building in their inventory? Must be the same building, same chapter.

I'll start with 10 Headless Halloweens.

(I *will* question your choices if you use a plethora of Teleports to build a shantytown-in-waiting of 100s of Lvl1 Manus or Workshops)

Standard Unofficial Guinness Elvenar Rules - Pics or it didn't happen


All righty. I did start out taking pics, but realized that I would soon exceed limits. I used as parameters, only items that I have in double digits, only in my main EN account, and only within the same chapter. Otherwise we'd be discussing my collection of Winter Deer and Frozen Lakes.

EN1 10 Amuni Ships 10 Burning Pool 19 Carting Library 13 Copper Dragon 19 Dwarven Armorers 24 Enlightened Light Range 20 Ferris Wheel Galore 14 Goddess of Wishes 11 Grounds of the Orc Strategist 14 Leviathan Ferry 26 Magnificent Mage Multiplier 10 Mermaid in a Shell 23 Residences 27 Unleashed Unit Upgrade

EN2 13 Carting Library 32 Dwarven Armorers 11 Endless Scrolls 22 Enlightened Light Range 11 Ferris Wheel Galore 12 Goddess of Wishes 12 Gum Tree 23 Magnificent Mage Multiplier 14 Mana Plant 14 Residences 34 Unleashed Unit Upgrade

There could be more, much more, but years ago our only source of spell fragments, was to disenchant inventory. I did used to have a large collection of Crab Hotels and Cozy Farms on EN3.


All righty. I did start out taking pics, but realized that I would soon exceed limits. I used as parameters, only items that I have in double digits, only in my main EN account, and only within the same chapter. Otherwise we'd be discussing my collection of Winter Deer and Frozen Lakes.

EN1 10 Amuni Ships 10 Burning Pool 19 Carting Library 13 Copper Dragon 19 Dwarven Armorers 24 Enlightened Light Range 20 Ferris Wheel Galore 14 Goddess of Wishes 11 Grounds of the Orc Strategist 14 Leviathan Ferry 26 Magnificent Mage Multiplier 10 Mermaid in a Shell 23 Residences 27 Unleashed Unit Upgrade

EN2 13 Carting Library 32 Dwarven Armorers 11 Endless Scrolls 22 Enlightened Light Range 11 Ferris Wheel Galore 12 Goddess of Wishes 12 Gum Tree 23 Magnificent Mage Multiplier 14 Mana Plant 14 Residences 34 Unleashed Unit Upgrade

There could be more, much more, but years ago our only source of spell fragments, was to disenchant inventory. I did used to have a large collection of Crab Hotels and Cozy Farms on EN3.
Wow, that is seriously impressive!!
I wish we could trade buildings, I might knock on your door for some of the dwarven armourers :)

Silly Bubbles

Dwarven Armorers for everyone!
Just let me know and once Inno let's me give them away, it's all yours!;):D:cool:


Sir Derf

I'm convening a panel of all Official Unofficial Guinness Elvenar Record Judges (all one of us) to decide what to do with allegations of cheating the competition.

@Silly Bubbles , you have 24 hours to submit a brief to justify your eligibility for consideration for this or future UGER attempts.

Silly Bubbles

Good attempt lol but you failed with the colour scrub bottom right. :p
I'm convening a panel of all Official Unofficial Guinness Elvenar Record Judges (all one of us) to decide what to do with allegations of cheating the competition.

@Silly Bubbles , you have 24 hours to submit a brief to justify your eligibility for consideration for this or future UGER attempts.

Me? Cheating? Never! Trying to cheer up, always! (satisfaction not guaranteed) :D
Screenshot from 2022-11-09 10-08-12.png
I use 1 MMM, 1 ELR, 2 UUU every week. And throw in a liberal application of DA and twice as many Tree-buildings to get as many "Ghosts in a Spire" badge during an FA.​