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Autumn Zodiac Seasonal Event in Beta


The Red Panda Master will provide you with population, culture and other bonuses depending on your chapter and it's evolution stage. When you feed him, he will also give you extra Vision Vapor for each item you Craft within its duration.

Per chapter values are here:

Please feel free to share our event notes (google doc not Facebook) with friends and fellowship: https://tinyurl.com/aj6k4mnb



The red panda is beautiful and I actually like the rewards.....Plus the vision vapour feeding reward is a really good idea. Although I wish it was divine seeds rather than mana..... We need more buildings that give divine seeds in my opinion

Autumn Goldleaf

The red panda is beautiful and I actually like the rewards.....Plus the vision vapour feeding reward is a really good idea. Although I wish it was divine seeds rather than mana..... We need more buildings that give divine seeds in my opinion
Did you build Triumph of the Tides? You can set that to produce Seeds...